Last heavy DL before my meet in two weeks, and at 583 lbs it’s a 10 lb PR at about 225 lbs (skip to 00:56)
I noticed two things that I think could get me red lighted: movement of my left foot and getting my thighs under the bar a bit grinding to lockout. Any others? Am I being paranoid with the two I mentioned? I compete in GPC Australia.
That’s tricky, I don’t know what the judges would consider it. If they are strict maybe they’ll call it a hitch. I’d say you should be good. Question though why do you start looking almost into your chest seems like its starting you back rounding before you start the pull
Side note I think your knees locked then unlocked to finish if they catch that I think it’s against the rules. Don’t quote me on it though
@Vincepac1500 I had a look, I see what you mean. But, I’m not sure how the judges would view it because I don’t think it makes the bar dip or anything. I don’t think the rules specifically provide that your knees can’t move up and down provided you lock them out at the end and don’t move the bar down and up. I hope.
Don’t have anything to add; although, curious why you keep your head tucked on all the warm up sets, then start the PR lift the same before lifting your head mid lift? I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone keep their head tucked while deadlifting.
If it works for you keep doing it, I’m always tweaking my lifts to see if I find better positions. I fairly recently started looking more straight on my deadlift then up to lock and seems to help. If I look up too much before the start of my pull I get a weird pinch in my trap. Good luck at the comp I just posted my video from my meet yesterday. Didn’t hit what I really wanted but still feel I did good.