I found no feedback on this product. I checked the red-kat website and it just has the guidelines to using it and what’s it about but no feedback. I did a search on the forums and really didn’t find anyting…nobody really responded to the questions asked. Not TC, Tim, Chris, nobody from t-mag or biotest at all!!! And I did a search on tmag and found zero! What gives?? I just started taking it today.

I’ve already given my feedback on this forum. In a nutshell, it works.

I started taking it yesterday. I have enough for 16 weeks at 4 caps per day. I’m taking a week off and then will resume training. My diet and training and pretty good at the moment, so hopefully after a weeks rest (I’m an overworked dude at the moment) I can create the right environment for this stuff to assist my gains and general wellbeing, all other things being equal.
Will keep you posted.