[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
SS writes something, X reponds, Utah and Stu only see what SS wrote. Not what X wrote.
Stu responds. SS & Utah can now see what Stu wrote in resposne to SS, but not what X wrote.
Is that not how the ignore function works? [/quote]
Let’s put this into the context of the Pre-Exhaust thread.
Some guy asks a question about pre-exhaust. People who know what they are talking about respond. Someone else who has it wrong gives them a different definition while saying “WHY WOULD I DO THAT??” to the correct method. He’s on ignore so no-one sees the mis-information being put forth, unless it gets quoted, and it will. Some people may not want this guy getting the wrong info on a simple concept like that, and says “yeah, that info is wrong”.
Do you see how at some point the argument can still happen since there are some who interject their own opinions and personal beliefs so ubiquitously here it really does become unavoidable.