Well folks, those of us who’ve been around T-Nation/T-mag/Testerone have seen our fair share of shitheads post on these boards with all sorts of things to try and piss us off. We’ve seen people post things about the coaches, the supplements, the lifestyle, you name it…
Well, I decided to start up this thread to THINK TANK how, as a group, all of us can deal with these buggers in a humerous “shut the fuck up” kind of way. I personally am sick of seeing people post things such as:
“these coaches suck, they aren’t ripped” or “they aren’t strong” or “creatine is bad it gives U acne and kills peeple” and “U are all idiots for trying to get big, your hearts will explode” or howabout “I’m a rapper mofos” or “I can squat 2700 pounds but my bench is stuck at 135” or “my brother is 155 pounds and will beat you all up” the quotes go on and on…
So what I’m saying we do is figure out a nice (or not so nice) saying we can all just hammer on someone who tries to fuck up OUR T-Nation for their own amusement.
Now, I know that some of you will say that some people are genuine and new to the sport and we shouldn’t act as deterrants towards them and I think that this is a valid argument. BUT when REAL posts are put down by people who are geniune, their posts generally aren’t asshole-istic/ignorant in nature, and I think that this is the dead giveaway. As a matter of fact, I would be willing to say that T-Nation is slightly intimidating for people to post on, and therefore someone’s FIRST few posts usually anounces it or is of a “this site is awesome, can you please help me” type of nature, as opposed to that of a typical troll/piece of shit.
T-Nation, our mission is to THINK TANK a good and self satisfying way to deal with these folk in a way which lets the rest of the Nation know that what they are about to read is purely STUPID and there is no point in taking the thread seriously (even if they can squat 2700 pounds and rap).
If a post is just too weird, I just ignore it. The really bad ones should be filtered out by the Mods anyway. The rest should just loose interest when being ignored.
what I’m shootin for a bitchin little saying we can all fire onto a thread that is crappy by nature, that way people know that what they are diving into is gonna be stupid and most likely a waste of intellect and time.
[quote]CU AeroStallion wrote:
what I’m shootin for a bitchin little saying we can all fire onto a thread that is crappy by nature, that way people know that what they are diving into is gonna be stupid and most likely a waste of intellect and time.[/quote]
I used to work with a guy who had bad hygiene, smoked all the time and just would never shut the fuck up. And this was in patient care mind you.
His name was Paul.
Anywho, we finally sat down with him and told him he’s being an arrogant, ignorant dickhead and it needs to stop.
He said, “well if I’m getting out of hand you guys should let me know by way of using a key-word, that way I’ll know to shut up without the patients knowing what was going on.”
I disagree with Nate’s argument though - sometimes a lot of people I respect and read take time out to read a thread and then get caught up in what was obviously a dumbass troll post in the first place.
Why don’t you just grow up and get over it? Get a freaking live journal, or some other emo weblog, and cry in it. Learn to be a man, and let shit go every once and a while. There are far too many pussy complainers here for it to be called T-Nation. Grow some fucking balls and let the mods do their job.
[quote]GriffinC wrote:
Why don’t you just grow up and get over it? Get a freaking live journal, or some other emo weblog, and cry in it. Learn to be a man, and let shit go every once and a while. There are far too many pussy complainers here for it to be called T-Nation. Grow some fucking balls and let the mods do their job.[/quote]