To back up, had to have labs for doctor to write new perscription for insurance reasons… I have been following 2 injections a week of .25ml so I had labs taken the day after I should have injected (inject tues, didn’t, lab on wed) results came in with test at 71. The thing is I really didn’t feel all that differect, well I moved and figured best to change docs, told him my past, he ran new labs, this time lab was ran on the day I was to inject, so in theory I was at my low:
Testosterone, Serum 665 range 348 - 1197
TSH 3.100 range .450 - 4.500
Prolactin 6.1 range 4.0 - 15.2
Estrogens, Total 46 adult male range 40 - 115
I have no idea why test is so different from last, I still feel no different, I though I would have high estrogen but I guess thats not the problem. Everything look ok to you guys?