[quote]Gambit_Lost wrote:
orion wrote:
Something Dr Sceptix posted did strike me as odd when he posted it, but it wasn’t really the right time to reply to it.
He claimed that I kind of “rebelled” by growing my own weed and shuttling money out of the country. I would agree with him that it would be pathetic to rebel that way, but that is not what I am doing.
Austria is a small country, so maybe if I prostituted myself enough I could get somewhere in politics and change something.
The problem is though that I just don’t give a fuck. I live in a society that thinks that it is perfectly normal to reduce me to being a beast of burden for its Utopian fantasies. I do not feel like sacrificing one year of my live to help out people that would have me toil their fields so that they can live a cushy life.
All I can do really is to quietly get my life in order and, if things get too interesting, have enough money on the side to leave the country. Unfortunately I know that our social systems are already breaking down so it is not so much a question IF but WHEN we will have problems paying for pensions and medical services including the fun stuff like riots and goose stepping thugs.
So the question is, is any one of you still fighting the good fight, believing in change from withing the system or anything like that or would you agree that it is all about being as rich and well connected and mobile as possible when the shit hits the fan?
I am way beyond rebelling.
I am about building a shelter for the storm that will and must come.
I hear you! I’m, like, “way beoynd rebelling” too! Our parents are so mean!
My god, are you an angsty teen. “What should I do with my life? What should I do?” You want to run away from it all? Where are you going to go? [/quote]
It is not about running away from it all.
It just occurred to me that most people share a flaw, they look up to try to get permission to do what they know to be right anyway. Be it that they demand that the Catholic church revises its positions or that a government allows them to do what they think is their right anyway. On another forum some nice gentleman once explained me a concept in S&M , “dominating from the bottom”. It seems to me that most people try to do that, they would like to call the shots in their lives AND also have someone to blame when something goes wrong.
Why bother?
Just do what is necessary and let the other people be damned.
It is also that I know for a fact that Europes social security systems will collapse, there are really no two ways about it. Do I really have to explain what it means when 40-50% of a population have nothing but government subsidies to live on and when that state goes broke?
Since we all know what happens when frightened sheeple have nothing to eat, why stick around for that?
Why waste a life trying to prevent it from happening when it cannot be prevented anyway?
This is not about angst or trying to shirk responsibility, this is me, gauging if you will, whether it even makes sense to obey the laws and customs of a society that is hell bent on self destruction.
Your British if I remember correctly. Apparently the British have cancer survivor rates that in some cancers are a joke compared to US survival rates. Would you as a parent honestly advise your children to become part of such a health care system? Would you want them to waste their money on a pension system they will never profit from themselves?
Or would you rather work hard so that they have a nice comforting sum squirreled away to an account on the Cayman Islands no matter what you have to do to achieve that?