Anarchists from across northern Europe flock to join protesters
Anarchists from across northern Europe flock to join protesters
[quote]Grimnuruk wrote:
Anarchists from across northern Europe flock to join protesters
Looks like they were given the farm. Then they burned it down.
Misery loves company.
You just can’t give the Left enough free stuff.
I really like Scandinavia. Wish I could afford to visit again, even do some more schooling there. There is such a laid back, calm attitude so much of the time that this really seems wild.
I wish some of our T-Nation members there would comment on this situation. An insiders perspective would be invaluable on this.
Those anarchist could be pretty influential, if they could just get organized…
Yeah, I’m all for protests, violent protests if necessary. As long as the protest is not about the government not handing out enough free stuff.
So, this is what they were fighting over.
Viva la Revolucion!
Timeline of an anarchist revolution:
12:02am The government ceases function, anarchy is “declared”
12:03am I’ve gathered 40 of my closest friends and associates with weapons in hand and declared myself king by the divine right of “first to call dibs”. 860 other groups of people have done the same thing.
12:05am Refusing to recognize competing claims of “dibs” over the lives of those living under claimed territory, violence breaks out.
12:15am Full scale civil war has erupted.
14 years later One group has finally managed to consolidate control through a mixture of violence, treachery, brutality, diplomacy and outright briber- er, coalition building. Millions of lives have been lost, but order has again been restored. For a short while very few bitch and moan about the brutal and oppressive government under which they’re subjects, remembering that the chaos which preceded it was far worse.
14 years plus one day People begin bitching and moaning again. Wash, rinse, repeat.
[quote]etaco wrote:
12:03am I’ve gathered 40 of my closest friends and associates with weapons in hand and declared myself king by the divine right of “first to call dibs”. 860 other groups of people have done the same thing.
Though I generally agree with [quote]the divine right of the “first to call dibs”[/quote] rule, these people don’t seem to be that organized that they have a recognized leader. In fact they explicitly state that there is no organizational leader as per the definition of anarchy.
Looks like they are going to have to go door-to-door a la Hare Krishna and sell some candy bars or whatever so they can buy a permanent residence for their organization. Are burned-out crack mansions in short supply in Copenhagen?
[quote]derek wrote:
Yeah, I’m all for protests, violent protests if necessary. As long as the protest is not about the government not handing out enough free stuff.
What, you mean you DON’T ascribe to the “Robin Hood” theory of government?
etaco wrote:
12:03am I’ve gathered 40 of my closest friends and associates with weapons in hand and declared myself king by the divine right of “first to call dibs”. 860 other groups of people have done the same thing.
Though I generally agree with the divine right of the “first to call dibs” rule, these people don’t seem to be that organized that they have a recognized leader. In fact they explicitly state that there is no organizational leader as per the definition of anarchy.
Looks like they are going to have to go door-to-door a la Hare Krishna and sell some candy bars or whatever so they can buy a permanent residence for their organization. Are burned-out crack mansions in short supply in Copenhagen?[/quote]
The point was that they get their anarchy, and vultures like me get a shot at dictatorship.
[quote]etaco wrote:
The point was that they get their anarchy, and vultures like me get a shot at dictatorship.[/quote]
What makes you think anarchists would recognize any figurehead? Don’t make the mistake of thinking that all anarchist subscribe to peaceful complacency. They could just as easily take up arms and restore “disorder”.
etaco wrote:
The point was that they get their anarchy, and vultures like me get a shot at dictatorship.
What makes you think anarchists would recognize any figurehead? Don’t make the mistake of thinking that all anarchist subscribe to peaceful complacency. They could just as easily take up arms and restore “disorder”.[/quote]
It’s rather hard to create disorder when your head is on a pike, don’t you think?
There are far more people in this world willing to create an order which favors their own interests than there are people willing to fight for disorder.
[quote]etaco wrote:
It’s rather hard to create disorder when your head is on a pike, don’t you think?
There are far more people in this world willing to create an order which favors their own interests than there are people willing to fight for disorder. [/quote]
It’s not really disorder. Its just a lack or rule–or an absence of dogmatic principle. Think of it as a divorce from government.
What I find ironic with your post is that indeed it probably is easier to find people willing to fight for something–even if it means that something is authoritarian in nature and ultimately means they are fighting to enslave themsleves–than it would be to find people to fight for something non-institutional which would mean absolute freedom.