[quote]808fightconcepts wrote:
Why don’t we wait for a nuke to go off in NYC or LA or D.C. and THEN go after Iran. THEN all the democrats will back a war with Iran just like they did with the war in Iraq. THEN after two or three years into the war in Iran people will all of a sudden “get tired of the war” and switch positions and be against the U.S. being in Iran. [/quote]
Are you under the impression that Iraq was behind 9/11? Any way I read your post, that’s what comes out.
Did Jefferson, Franklin, and the others have “things to hide”?
[quote]Moriarty wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
Why don’t we wait for a nuke to go off in NYC or LA or D.C. and THEN go after Iran. THEN all the democrats will back a war with Iran just like they did with the war in Iraq. THEN after two or three years into the war in Iran people will all of a sudden “get tired of the war” and switch positions and be against the U.S. being in Iran.
It fucking pisses me off.
If this country pisses you off so much why don’t you just fucking leave instead of bashing it? Why do you America haters always flood this board with posts about how this country does makes you so angry? Just leave already.[/quote]
Uhhhh, did you actually read the post? Or is your reading comprehension THAT bad. My whole point of the post was to get people to stop being so Anti-American.
[quote]lixy wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
Why don’t we wait for a nuke to go off in NYC or LA or D.C. and THEN go after Iran. THEN all the democrats will back a war with Iran just like they did with the war in Iraq. THEN after two or three years into the war in Iran people will all of a sudden “get tired of the war” and switch positions and be against the U.S. being in Iran.
Are you under the impression that Iraq was behind 9/11? Any way I read your post, that’s what comes out.
I think the only ones scared of government looking through emails and phone calls are the ones who hide kiddie porn on their computer and have other things to hide.
Did Jefferson, Franklin, and the others have “things to hide”?
NO, islamo-fascist terrorists were behind 9/11. Who produces such terrorists?–Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan…I could go on and on. It’s the same people who were behind the bombings of the marine barracks in Beirut in 1993, the bombing of the USS Cole the world trade center bombings in 1993, and it’s the same people who are fighting against the US AND the Iraqi’s and Afghani’s that desire peace and some form of a democracy.
First of all I’m sure that Jefferson, Franklin and the founding fathers would pretty much be ashamed of how disproportionately Anti-American the population is. They lived in an America where such acts of terrorism could never in their wildest dreams existed. Their America did not have open and uncontrolled borders, a flawed immigration system, enemies who fight without uniforms or in conventional methods, and nuclear weapons. One of the duties of the government is to protect its people during times of war from all enemies, foreign AND domestic.
[quote]808fightconcepts wrote:
Moriarty wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
Why don’t we wait for a nuke to go off in NYC or LA or D.C. and THEN go after Iran. THEN all the democrats will back a war with Iran just like they did with the war in Iraq. THEN after two or three years into the war in Iran people will all of a sudden “get tired of the war” and switch positions and be against the U.S. being in Iran.
It fucking pisses me off.
If this country pisses you off so much why don’t you just fucking leave instead of bashing it? Why do you America haters always flood this board with posts about how this country does makes you so angry? Just leave already.
Uhhhh, did you actually read the post? Or is your reading comprehension THAT bad. My whole point of the post was to get people to stop being so Anti-American. [/quote]
One more thing. Where is the change that the democrats promised after they won the house. Being that the approval rating for the house is in the low 20’s I’d say that the democrats are full of shit and that’s how Hillary, Obama and others are winning America into this “get out of Iraq” nonsense. All democrats do is criticize current policy but what happens when they get power…nothing. Republicans aren’t perfect either but at least stand for something, for this country.
[quote]808fightconcepts wrote:
NO, islamo-fascist terrorists were behind 9/11. Who produces such terrorists?–Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan…I could go on and on. [/quote]
That you put Iraq on top of the list is revealing. You don’t seem to have a clue as to who was behind 9/11, and that pre-2003 Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with the attacks on your territory. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, had plenty to do with it.
[quote]lixy wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
NO, islamo-fascist terrorists were behind 9/11. Who produces such terrorists?–Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan…I could go on and on.
That you put Iraq on top of the list is revealing. You don’t seem to have a clue as to who was behind 9/11, and that pre-2003 Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with the attacks on your territory. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, had plenty to do with it.[/quote]
This isn’t like you Lixy, you usually make a comment then at least give more information to back it up. Please give us more information I am actually interested on your view of this.
[quote]808fightconcepts wrote:
Why don’t we wait for a nuke to go off in NYC or LA or D.C. and THEN go after Iran. THEN all the democrats will back a war with Iran just like they did with the war in Iraq. THEN after two or three years into the war in Iran people will all of a sudden “get tired of the war” and switch positions and be against the U.S. being in Iran.
It fucking pisses me off. Either you’re an American and you love your country or you’re an American and you don’t. If you don’t think this is the greatest country in the world and you insist on bad-mouthing everything from the president to our society as a whole–GO LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! There’s a difference between protesting and expressing your thoughts and straight up treasonous propaganda saying things like “our soldiers are murderers, they deserve to be killed.” Islamo-fascist terrorism isn’t like anything we’ve fought before. People always whine about, “What did we do to anger these muslims?” People don’t understand that they’re just fucking crazy and that their religion promotes violence (2/3 of Muslims living IN AMERICA does NOT condone suicide bombings)!
We’re dealing with a people who believe forty virgins wait for them if they die a martyr and that there are “no homosexuals in Iran.” (then why is there a death penalty for it if it doesn’t exist?)
I say we triple our budget for homeland security and remove what restrictions we have on the patriot act. Because how many attacks have we had since 9/11…uh, NONE! How many terror plots have we uncovered…LOTS! I think the only ones scared of government looking through emails and phone calls are the ones who hide kiddie porn on their computer and have other things to hide. Seriously, would you mind that the gov. listens in on phone conversations and screens emails if it means that downtown Honolulu doesn’t get nuked?
Fucking wake up and be a man. It’s so easy to sit on your fat ass from the living room and watch cable t.v. and listen to Hollywood elites like Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn (who supports Hugo Chavez and flat out dissed America while in Venezuela), and Martin Sheen talk about how evil America is and get caught up in that kind of rhetoric. Have some pride in your country and talk to people who’ve been there and ask them about the good things that happen in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then shake their hands and thank them.
[quote]808fightconcepts wrote:
I think the only ones scared of government looking through emails and phone calls are the ones who hide kiddie porn on their computer and have other things to hide.
I’m a white middle class teenager, I don’t know what I possibly could have that I would even need to hide. The closest thing to porn on here is whatever my browser stores as cookies from banner ads on torrent sites and the figure competitors on the side bar of T-Nation. Yet I still fear the government having the ability to go through my emails/house/person without proper authorization, I like the 4th amendment, a lot. Something about property and privacy rights being respected and defended makes me feel like I really do live in the land of the free, not in a police state that chants a goddamn mantra ad nauseum like it seems you would prefer.
Please though, if this is something so alarmingly important that nobody should fear but pedophiles, volunteer your email account, house, phone records and other private property to be searched first. Lead the way for the rest of us to see that it really isn’t a big deal.
[quote]808fightconcepts wrote:
Moriarty wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
Why don’t we wait for a nuke to go off in NYC or LA or D.C. and THEN go after Iran. THEN all the democrats will back a war with Iran just like they did with the war in Iraq. THEN after two or three years into the war in Iran people will all of a sudden “get tired of the war” and switch positions and be against the U.S. being in Iran.
It fucking pisses me off.
If this country pisses you off so much why don’t you just fucking leave instead of bashing it? Why do you America haters always flood this board with posts about how this country does makes you so angry? Just leave already.
Uhhhh, did you actually read the post? Or is your reading comprehension THAT bad. My whole point of the post was to get people to stop being so Anti-American. [/quote]
Yes, I did read your post. I was attempting to be ironic, which can be hard to get across over the internet sometimes. I found it humorous that you are in essence doing exactly what you claim to find so despicable: complaining about America and Americans.
I just never understood the rationale of “if you don’t like what America does then leave”. One of the most sacred things about this country is that everyone has the freedom to say “I hate this government” and not be punished for it. If you’re the type of person that gets upset at that type of speech then why are you in a country that allows it?
That said, I do agree with some of what you said. I don’t want it to seem like I’m attacking your post. I too am tired of the extremist views on both sides. It’s just that I would never tell an American that he/she needs to leave the country because of his/her views.
[quote]808fightconcepts wrote:
I say we triple our budget for homeland security and remove what restrictions we have on the patriot act. Because how many attacks have we had since 9/11…uh, NONE! How many terror plots have we uncovered…LOTS! I think the only ones scared of government looking through emails and phone calls are the ones who hide kiddie porn on their computer and have other things to hide. Seriously, would you mind that the gov. listens in on phone conversations and screens emails if it means that downtown Honolulu doesn’t get nuked?
I say the very first thing the government should do is restore my second amendment rights which are unambiguous and being unconstitutionally denied right now. Why is there so little outrage over that denial of rights?
I know I’m going off on a tangent but one thing that is really pissing me off right now is everyone looking to the government to protect us while allowing our second amendment rights to be violated.
[quote]Moriarty wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
I say we triple our budget for homeland security and remove what restrictions we have on the patriot act. Because how many attacks have we had since 9/11…uh, NONE! How many terror plots have we uncovered…LOTS! I think the only ones scared of government looking through emails and phone calls are the ones who hide kiddie porn on their computer and have other things to hide. Seriously, would you mind that the gov. listens in on phone conversations and screens emails if it means that downtown Honolulu doesn’t get nuked?
I say the very first thing the government should do is restore my second amendment rights which are unambiguous and being unconstitutionally denied right now. Why is there so little outrage over that denial of rights?
I know I’m going off on a tangent but one thing that is really pissing me off right now is everyone looking to the government to protect us while allowing our second amendment rights to be violated.[/quote]
[quote]orion wrote:
Gkhan wrote:
Are you too much of an anti-American to see this truth?
Well I see the “truth” that people where sent over there to try to rebuild infrastructure.
Unfortunately a lot of them are partisan hacks like the 24 year old that was sent to rebuild the stock market.
Others shamelessly enrich themselves and are protected by the powers that be while whistleblowers lose their jobs and careers.
I also know that billions are unaccounted for, Haliburton counts every can of coke it serves thrice and that cost-plus contracts are an invitation to fuck the American tax-payer.
On top of it, a few years after a Texan with a stuffed jock strap declared the mission accomplished the US military is niot able to protect the few people actually trying to rebuild anything because of amazing new developments in warfare, like people actually fighting back.
You broke it, you own it. To bad you can´t police it.
HAHAHAHA, Well, we finally agree on something. Wow, I never thought I’d see the day. Yes, the situation in Iraq was totally mishandled from the get go. It really was piss poor planning that they could not forsee the insurrection. Bremmer was another jack off that should have been fired.
[quote]lixy wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
NO, islamo-fascist terrorists were behind 9/11. Who produces such terrorists?–Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan…I could go on and on.
That you put Iraq on top of the list is revealing. You don’t seem to have a clue as to who was behind 9/11, and that pre-2003 Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with the attacks on your territory. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, had plenty to do with it.[/quote]
Hey, did they get the weaponized Anthrax from SA? Where did that come from?
[quote]Magnate wrote:
Moriarty wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
I say we triple our budget for homeland security and remove what restrictions we have on the patriot act. Because how many attacks have we had since 9/11…uh, NONE! How many terror plots have we uncovered…LOTS! I think the only ones scared of government looking through emails and phone calls are the ones who hide kiddie porn on their computer and have other things to hide. Seriously, would you mind that the gov. listens in on phone conversations and screens emails if it means that downtown Honolulu doesn’t get nuked?
I say the very first thing the government should do is restore my second amendment rights which are unambiguous and being unconstitutionally denied right now. Why is there so little outrage over that denial of rights?
I know I’m going off on a tangent but one thing that is really pissing me off right now is everyone looking to the government to protect us while allowing our second amendment rights to be violated.
Is it California’s state laws that are doing it?[/quote]
I’m not in California, but yes I I have lived there and do find California’s gun control laws to be a clear violation of 2nd amendment rights. With the expiration of the federal AWB it’s mostly unconstitutional state law at issue.
[quote]Moriarty wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
Moriarty wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
Why don’t we wait for a nuke to go off in NYC or LA or D.C. and THEN go after Iran. THEN all the democrats will back a war with Iran just like they did with the war in Iraq. THEN after two or three years into the war in Iran people will all of a sudden “get tired of the war” and switch positions and be against the U.S. being in Iran.
It fucking pisses me off.
If this country pisses you off so much why don’t you just fucking leave instead of bashing it? Why do you America haters always flood this board with posts about how this country does makes you so angry? Just leave already.
Uhhhh, did you actually read the post? Or is your reading comprehension THAT bad. My whole point of the post was to get people to stop being so Anti-American.
Yes, I did read your post. I was attempting to be ironic, which can be hard to get across over the internet sometimes. I found it humorous that you are in essence doing exactly what you claim to find so despicable: complaining about America and Americans.
I just never understood the rationale of “if you don’t like what America does then leave”. One of the most sacred things about this country is that everyone has the freedom to say “I hate this government” and not be punished for it. If you’re the type of person that gets upset at that type of speech then why are you in a country that allows it?
That said, I do agree with some of what you said. I don’t want it to seem like I’m attacking your post. I too am tired of the extremist views on both sides. It’s just that I would never tell an American that he/she needs to leave the country because of his/her views.
I completely agree that one of the greatest aspects of living in this country is the fact that we can do and say pretty much whatever we want and NOT be executed. However, we have to draw a line when what we say and do has a direct consequence on the morale of our enemies.
Protesting the war, bad-mouthing the president and our troops, sympathizing with the terrorists…all of these things emboldens those trying to destroy this great nation and gives them solidarity knowing that there are those too in this country that wish to see us fail.
[quote]Simon Forsyth wrote:
Ren wrote:
Iranians aren’t anti-semites and they don’t want Israel wiped off the map.
In an interview with the Iranian president he was asked about Israel his thought about them and he said (this is not verbatim)
They don’t belong in the Middle east, if the jew’s are loved in Europe why doesn’t Europe give them their own state.
antisemitism is not the same as anti Zionism.
[quote]808fightconcepts wrote:
Protesting the war, bad-mouthing the president[/quote]
Well within the rights of an American citizen to do and I feel should actively be encouraged if the grounds for protest are founded.
You hear this so often you assume there would be some proof that somebody saying Iraq is a failure actually did produce a single more suicide bomber. It’s a nice sound bite, but you can’t possibly substantiate it. Do you really think that if the population of America sat by quietly not saying how they really felt about the way the war was handled, that the insurgency in Iraq and terror groups worldwide would truly have met their end? Yea, it’s us here back in the homeland that are giving them the reason to fight, not their religious leaders, history of religious warfare, general bigotry/hatred towards all non muslims and foreign occupation doing it at all. It’s those damned dem’s and anti war repubs/independents.
[quote]Magnate wrote:
808fightconcepts wrote:
Protesting the war, bad-mouthing the president
Well within the rights of an American citizen to do and I feel should actively be encouraged if the grounds for protest are founded.
all of these things emboldens those trying to destroy this great nation.
You hear this so often you assume there would be some proof that somebody saying Iraq is a failure actually did produce a single more suicide bomber. It’s a nice sound bite, but you can’t possibly substantiate it. Do you really think that if the population of America sat by quietly not saying how they really felt about the way the war was handled, that the insurgency in Iraq and terror groups worldwide would truly have met their end? Yea, it’s us here back in the homeland that are giving them the reason to fight, not their religious leaders, history of religious warfare, general bigotry/hatred towards all non muslims and foreign occupation doing it at all. It’s those damned dem’s and anti war repubs/independents. [/quote]
Sounds like you’re one of those “middle of the road” individuals who like to analyze/criticize everything and not really have a declared stance on anything (the politics of John Kerry ring a bell)? You could pass for a moderate liberal or a moderate conservative yet have no official affiliations with either party. I guess to best quote what I am saying is this:
“A man who stands for nothing, falls for anything.”