i love it “show me the boddies” he says and it’s true i myself think it’s about what it has always been about and that is money you notice how he sais hrt clinics are popping up everywhere i mean damn if steroids were soooooo bad i don’t think we would see all those clinics but we all know what kind of power those pharmacutical companies have everything is more profitable once it’s illegal…
Just stumbled across this. Good, surprisingly fair piece. But why the hell do some bodybuilders wear fanny pack, spandex, and brightly colored pants. Thats the most embarrassing part of the video.
[quote]Nothingface wrote:
Just stumbled across this. Good, surprisingly fair piece. But why the hell do some bodybuilders wear fanny pack, spandex, and brightly colored pants. Thats the most embarrassing part of the video.[/quote]
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Nothingface wrote:
Just stumbled across this. Good, surprisingly fair piece. But why the hell do some bodybuilders wear fanny pack, spandex, and brightly colored pants. Thats the most embarrassing part of the video.
Because they can…
Yep. But, they’re only embarrassing themselves. There are lots of things you could do just because you can get away with it, without making a complete jackass of yourself.
[quote]Nothingface wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Nothingface wrote:
Just stumbled across this. Good, surprisingly fair piece. But why the hell do some bodybuilders wear fanny pack, spandex, and brightly colored pants. Thats the most embarrassing part of the video.
Because they can…
Yep. But, they’re only embarrassing themselves. There are lots of things you could do just because you can get away with it, without making a complete jackass of yourself.[/quote]
[quote]H-Train wrote:
Did anyone else find it funny that Dr. Wadler the “outspoken critic” is fat has a huge turkey neck?
ah the WAD, i know i will have a good laugh everytime he speaks. not to mention, we will have a nice little clip everytime he does so we can put them together and show that this obese dipshit has been lying his head off about the sauce for years.
anyone notice that the physician who says that the hype is BS looks like he is in very good shape for his age, not to mention carries himself well to boot.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Nothingface wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Nothingface wrote:
Just stumbled across this. Good, surprisingly fair piece. But why the hell do some bodybuilders wear fanny pack, spandex, and brightly colored pants. Thats the most embarrassing part of the video.
Because they can…
Yep. But, they’re only embarrassing themselves. There are lots of things you could do just because you can get away with it, without making a complete jackass of yourself.
I’m pretty sure they don’t care, either.
Yea I’m with Rainjack on that one. The acceptance of the bodybuilding lifestyle is pretty much acceptance of getting ridiculed and shit-talked. I’m sure lots of the people reading this board have run into circumstances where everyone wants to know WHY DONT YOU WANT SOME BIRTHDAY CAKE?
You’re too good to eat our triple fried chicken with extra fat sauce? Why do you do this to yourself, just relax and enjoy your life-there’s no need to work so hard. You’re so vain.
These guys obviously give a shit. They’ll put on a pink bandana and sunglasses just to give you another reason to talk shit, because that’s how little they care. Just like how the old school pimps and macs from the 70s dressed in a way that was unacceptable to many “ordinary people” at the time. Now all of a sudden it’s part of pop culture and chic.
Catching a roundhouse kick from a guy in bright pink zebra stripe spandex pants? Fuhgettaboutit. The shame would hurt more than the physical blow itself.