[quote]H-Train wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Nothingface wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Nothingface wrote:
Just stumbled across this. Good, surprisingly fair piece. But why the hell do some bodybuilders wear fanny pack, spandex, and brightly colored pants. Thats the most embarrassing part of the video.
Because they can…
Yep. But, they’re only embarrassing themselves. There are lots of things you could do just because you can get away with it, without making a complete jackass of yourself.
I’m pretty sure they don’t care, either.
Yea I’m with Rainjack on that one. The acceptance of the bodybuilding lifestyle is pretty much acceptance of getting ridiculed and shit-talked. I’m sure lots of the people reading this board have run into circumstances where everyone wants to know WHY DONT YOU WANT SOME BIRTHDAY CAKE?
You’re too good to eat our triple fried chicken with extra fat sauce? Why do you do this to yourself, just relax and enjoy your life-there’s no need to work so hard. You’re so vain.
These guys obviously give a shit. They’ll put on a pink bandana and sunglasses just to give you another reason to talk shit, because that’s how little they care. Just like how the old school pimps and macs from the 70s dressed in a way that was unacceptable to many “ordinary people” at the time. Now all of a sudden it’s part of pop culture and chic. [/quote]
Couldn’t you accomplish the same thing by dressing weird, but in a way that you like? I can’t imagine someone sees those zebra pants and just has to have them. I guess I should stop trying to figure people out, and just accept that some people are douchebags. Whether these guys are big and ripped or not, they are douchebags.
Hey, I like wearin’ my clown pants(and DoRag, lifting gloves, etc) and I’m no damn douchebag!..I’m not ripped either, but big enough that I rarely get “messed with”, so quit with the stereotyping…
As long as Max Muscle, Gold’s, and even Addidas and Puma keep selling this stuff, people are gonna’ wear it,(because they think it looks kewl’, even if it is not your cup of tea…Ever see what rock musicians or even better, “big & ripped” pro wrestlers wear?), so just deal with it and move on…
Those magazines like Flex take it overboard though. The pics of dudes “helping” each other on squats and they have combat boots on with g-strings up their buttholes… all oiled up and shit. When did bodybuilding take that turn? You’d never see Arnold doing that shit.
[quote]H-Train wrote:
Those magazines like Flex take it overboard though. The pics of dudes “helping” each other on squats and they have combat boots on with g-strings up their buttholes… all oiled up and shit. When did bodybuilding take that turn? You’d never see Arnold doing that shit. [/quote]
probably about the same time that bodybuilders realized they could make more ‘posing’ for rich, elderly umm, gentlemen, as opposed to bodybuilding contests and nefarious supplement company contracts.
[quote]H-Train wrote:
Those magazines like Flex take it overboard though. The pics of dudes “helping” each other on squats and they have combat boots on with g-strings up their buttholes… all oiled up and shit. When did bodybuilding take that turn? You’d never see Arnold doing that shit. [/quote]
You have something there, however, the commenter was raggin’ on regular gym-rats from the Mexico segment of the HBO doc…Different, not magazine models in staged photos, or am I missing something?
[quote]Blacksnake wrote:
H-Train wrote:
Those magazines like Flex take it overboard though. The pics of dudes “helping” each other on squats and they have combat boots on with g-strings up their buttholes… all oiled up and shit. When did bodybuilding take that turn? You’d never see Arnold doing that shit.
You have something there, however, the commenter was raggin’ on regular gym-rats from the Mexico segment of the HBO doc…Different, not magazine models in staged photos, or am I missing something?
It’s in the same ballpark. There is a guy at my gym who wears silk running shorts and shoves them up his asscheeks while he does 135lb squats. He learned that from somewhere, probably Flex.
[quote]H-Train wrote:
You’d never see Arnold doing that shit.
It’s in the same ballpark. There is a guy at my gym who wears silk running shorts and shoves them up his asscheeks while he does 135lb squats. He learned that from somewhere, probably Flex.
Arg! Gross…Makes my clown pants, DoRag, & gloves look like a 3 piece suit in comparison, Hell, even Mick Jagger has better taste/