[quote]Steve8867 wrote:
Hi folks, I don’t know how or where begin…
I’m ready to begin, I will ONLY work at home, here are my tools.
A Trikke T-8
A lame 2nd,3rd or 4th hand Elliptical
A bench with dumbbells 2x 10 lbs - 65 lbs
I will be 41 this august, and am on TRT (two patches a day).
6’ 4" 264lbs
I need a plan.
It’s time to get right!!
Welcome Steve!
I’m just a beginner myself but hope I can help. It looks like you have enough to get started - might want to get a bench of some kind. Hopefully others will chime in with more suggestions.
I think starting with full squats or lunges, DB presses, rows, curls would get you going. Browse through exrx.net to look at planning a workout and for videos on how to perform the exercises you choose. Supplement your weight work with 30 minutes of cardio work several times a week and you’ll start feeling pretty good in short order.
You’re a little bit limited but there’s a lot you can do.
You need to start off working full body 3x per week. An example plan could be (this is just off the top of my head):
DB Squats
DB Lunges (or DB Step ups)
Overhead presses
DB Bench (or BW Dips or Pushups)
Front Raises
Back Raises
Possibly Chins of some sort
You can take two sturdy chairs of the same height, put them next to each other, and do dips. At least, I can but I don’t weigh as much as you do. You’d have to have some damn sturdy chairs. If you look around, you can probably find something you can do chins or pullups from.
Do you have a back yard you can work out in? Maybe some big stones you can pick up? Cinder blocks? Are you handy? Some people have built their own weight sets and power cages.
Welcome and congratulations on starting your new lifestyle!
If you are really just starting out after a very long layoff or it’s the first time training for real, try this for a few weeks until it gets easy…
Pushups - 3x25 or as many as possible
“Fat Man” Pullups - 3x10-20 or pullups with feet supported so you can push yourself up if need be.
Standing 1 or two arm DB press 2x15
Bodyweight Squats 3x15-50 (work up)
Good mornings (unweighted) - 2x15 with arms overhead - start using a light dumbbell when it gets easy
Front Planks - 1 minute. Start on knees and elbows, work up to full stretch on hands and feet.
It’ll get you muscles,ligaments and tendons ready for heavier weights.
If that dumbbell will stay together while you do it, try some dumbbell swings to belly height, shoulder height, head height and then to overhead (as a progression). do as many swings as you can for aboubt 3 or 4 sets. That’s a real conditioner!
Thanks guys, um short term goals (goals what are those??)well mowing the grass seems to give me microstrokes (aching from shoulder to should, not too easy to breath).
So cardio is a must before I start straining with everything else.
Just seeking a plan working with the tools I have at home (I have started using the elliptical 30 min every other day, and today im doing some light 15lbs freeweight work Bi’s n Tri’s mostly).
Long term goals (those damn goals again!) errrr going to the beach without embarrassment, being an example to my wife 34 5’1" 235lbs (is sleeping NOW for no reason!)
When you lift, you want to make sure you concentrate on your BIG muscles (legs, back, chest) not your itty bitty tiny muscles (biceps, triceps).
If you do nothing else, squat. You can use DB’s if you want to or just do them bodyweight, but squat. Lunges or split-squats would also be really good for you.
Also, some SLDL’s for your hamstrings:
Pullups and/or rows for your back. Bench press and/or pushups for your chest.
That should be the bulk of your lifting routine: LEGS (primarily), back, and chest. Biceps and triceps, not so much.
Thanks guys, um short term goals (goals what are those??)well mowing the grass seems to give me microstrokes (aching from shoulder to should, not too easy to breath).
Microstrokes??? You mean those that occur with epilepsy? Do you have existing health problems? Perhaps you should get clearance from a doctor before you do anything that could cause a stroke, or impact a pre-existing condition. If mowing the lawn causes breathing problems, that seems like a danger sign to me.
Welcome Steve. If you look at the suggestions made by soldog, pencil neck, and skidmark you sholud be able to come up with a pretty good full body work out to get you started. Try different lifts and see what works for you. Set short term goals to reach and the set more when those are reached. Use this forum as a sounding board and to stay focused.
How many hours a day you working? Ya gotta make the time, and stick to it my friend. To heck with what the wife thinks, you gotta do this for yourself if she’s not going to support you brother. That last workout you posted is a good start. Increase the reps as you’re able to, then figure out some other things to do. I was like you and had very little to work with in the beginning. Then invested 200 bucks in a bench and an oly weight set used. You can find a way, if you have the desire. And once you begin to see the changes after a few weeks, you’ll find even more motivation to continue.