Raw Iron: The Making of Pumping Iron

I found this a few days ago and it’s new to me. Very good documentary about the documentary.

If you’re wondering who the narrator is it’s actor Liev Schrieber. Great voice.

Cool, just watched it!

I remember when the 25th Anniversary edition was released with this ‘making of’ featurette but I didnt have the mulla on me to buy it at the time. I went back later but some other musclehead had bought the last one in the shop so I forgot about it.

I go this book some years back ‘ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER: A PORTRAIT’ mainly because I love the photography of George Butler’s Arnold. I also remember Arnold lithographs that were available many years ago but are impossible to find now, which reminds me, I have a pile of Arnie posters from the late 80’s in storage that used to plaster my bedroom wall when I was a kid…

Thanks for posting it.

3:45 bill Phillips wow

I know some of the guys are in their late 50’s early 60’s but Ken Waller looked scary (must be the gingeritis, poor bastard)

I have the 25th anniversery dvd of punping iron I love it; the best is the where are they now part where Lou flexes his biceps at a just out of heart surgery Arnold and he reels back and goes “easy Lou” classic

Awesome find. Don’t see enough video footage of the golden era

I would love to watch a good 20 minute or so video going from the front door of the old Gold’s and then gives a complete tour.
No locker room though.

Then another one showing the Firehouse…is that the name? Y’know that restaurant around the corner that they’d all eat at after.

Great video Nards, thanks for posting!

Ken Waller’s accent seems to have intensified since the making of the film…

Nards, thanks for posting that. Brought back good memories of seeing both “Pumping Iron” and the very oddball Bob Rafelson feature film “Stay Hungry” (1976), with Jeff Bridges, Arnold and Sally Field.

One of the most ridiculous scenes in Stay Hungry (or any film), the bodybuilder running scene…

I really dont know what to say except what the fuck was the director thinking?

check out the guy back flipping and Ken Waller catching him at 1:23…???

[quote]SLAINGE wrote:
I know some of the guys are in their late 50’s early 60’s but Ken Waller looked scary (must be the gingeritis, poor bastard)[/quote]

i agree,he looks a bit weird.I thought franco looks great or his age.

[quote]SLAINGE wrote:
One of the most ridiculous scenes in Stay Hungry (or any film), the bodybuilder running scene…

I really dont know what to say except what the fuck was the director thinking?

check out the guy back flipping and Ken Waller catching him at 1:23…???[/quote]

Weird indeed…how the hell did that scene fit into that movie? (I’ve never seen Stay Hungry)

I just noticed that last video is titled “Bodybuilders Unleased” ha ha.

Well Stay Hungry is definitely on my watch list. Hilarity.

I’ve been meaning to watch raw iron, thanks for the link.

Thanks! Enjoyed watching this.