Starting new routine monday. looking for some advice.
current stats:
21 years old
12% BF
Monday: Chest with Tris
barbell bench press 3x6-10
incline dumbbell bench 3x8-12
smitch machine chest press 3x6-10
fly machine 4x10-12
straight bar pushdowns 3x6-8
seated overhead tricep extension
Tuesday: Legs
Front Squats 4x8-12
Leg Press 3x6-10
Single leg extension 3x8-12
Laying down leg curls 3x8-12
calf press 4x8-12
calf raises 3x8-12
Wednesday: Back and Bis
Barbell Rows 4x6-10
Kroc Rows 3x15-20
Wide grip lat pulldowns 3x8-12
Meadow’s stretchers 3x8-12
Reverse pec deck 4x8-12
cross body hammer curls 3x8-10
preacher curls 3x8-12
Thursday: Shoulders and Traps
seated barbell overhead press 4x6-10
scratching rack press 3x8-12
front barbell raise 3x6-10
lateral barbell raises 3x8-12
lateral db raises 3x8-12
rope pulls to eyes superset with bent over lateral raises 3x8-12
Friday: Arms (Never have had an arms day)
Barbell Curls 4x8-12
hammer curls 3x8-12
curls with pulley machine 4x6-10
EZ bar reverse curls 3x8-12
skullcrushers 4x8-12
single dumbbell overhead extension 3x8-12
I need deadlifts in here but not sure where to put them. Squats and deadlifts would be killer same day, and deadlifts right after leg day wouldn’t be good either. And also thinking about rack pulls with snatch grip on back day.
Alright I suppose? I think too much arm volume as well… Unless you’re enhanced then knock yourself out! Ive learned that being aware of your routine and the things that do or do not work for you. I use to read MD articles about those pro’s workout, and this schmo’s workout and I’ve learned that trial and error is the gameplan. If that’s enough for you to make gains keep it up.
I can take out back and bis after chest and back. I’ve never done a workout with an “arms” day so id like to try it. I’m looking for a workout strictly for hypertrophy. If you guys have better ideas please let me know.