I know people always say “forgive the crappy photos”, but please, well, forgive the crappy photos. I live in an insanely overpriced, one room Tokyo apartment by myself and had to kneel in front of my MacBook to take these.
Anyway, lets get to it.
29 years old
8 years lifting (4 serious ones)
235 pounds
BF%: No shoes allowed in Japanese apartments so can’t gauge. Perhaps 18%?
Best Lifts:
Bench: 275 pounds x 3
Squat: 330 pounds x 5
Deadlift: 475 pounds x 1 (my deadlift is disproportionately strong compared to my bench and squat)
Not the best numbers for a 235 pound guy, I know. I’m stronger in other lifts though:
Pull-ups: 26 with perfect form
Incline Dumbell curls: 80 pounds x 5
Bent over rows: 275 pounds x 12
I guess this makes me a “puller” rather than a pusher.
I’m currently on a cutting diet. No fancy name for it, although I guess it would be closest to Berardi’s “Precision Nutrition”. I only eat meat, vegetables, nuts and eggs. So far, down about 15 pounds with zero strength loss. I guess that means its going well.
Supplements…well…I used to take everything under the kitchen sink (minus steroids). These days I only take Fish oil (high dose DHA) and Beta-alanine. Creatine doesn’t work for me, unfortunately, or I’d still be taking it.
I don’t take any supplemental protein whatsover.
Any constructive comments are welcomed