Rate My Physique (Updated 8/5/2008)

I know people always say “forgive the crappy photos”, but please, well, forgive the crappy photos. I live in an insanely overpriced, one room Tokyo apartment by myself and had to kneel in front of my MacBook to take these.

Anyway, lets get to it.

29 years old
8 years lifting (4 serious ones)
235 pounds
BF%: No shoes allowed in Japanese apartments so can’t gauge. Perhaps 18%?

Best Lifts:

Bench: 275 pounds x 3
Squat: 330 pounds x 5
Deadlift: 475 pounds x 1 (my deadlift is disproportionately strong compared to my bench and squat)

Not the best numbers for a 235 pound guy, I know. I’m stronger in other lifts though:

Pull-ups: 26 with perfect form
Incline Dumbell curls: 80 pounds x 5
Bent over rows: 275 pounds x 12

I guess this makes me a “puller” rather than a pusher.

I’m currently on a cutting diet. No fancy name for it, although I guess it would be closest to Berardi’s “Precision Nutrition”. I only eat meat, vegetables, nuts and eggs. So far, down about 15 pounds with zero strength loss. I guess that means its going well.

Supplements…well…I used to take everything under the kitchen sink (minus steroids). These days I only take Fish oil (high dose DHA) and Beta-alanine. Creatine doesn’t work for me, unfortunately, or I’d still be taking it.

I don’t take any supplemental protein whatsover.

Any constructive comments are welcomed






Pretty good physique imo, although out of all that for some reason I am most impressed that you can do 26 perfect form pullups at your weight, nice work. Also, incline curling the 80s…again nice work.

Nice work though, what’s your training like, and I don’t think you are 18% bf

Thanks for the comments.

For some reason I’ve always had a strong upper back, even when I was really young. Don’t know why, exactly. When I was in Elementary school we had these mandatory physical fitness tests we had to do. I was an obese kid who couldn’t run worth a damn, couldn’t do push-ups, but for some reason could pull off 10 chin-ups. I remember the gym teacher looking at me like “WTF?!”. I didn’t, and perhaps still don’t, look like the kind of person who can pull his bodyweight several times.

Training-wise…As I’m trying to cut, I’m doing Christian Thibeadeau’s “Fat Loss War-room” program…lactic acid training mixed with two days of heavy lifting. Seems to be going well so far, although the lactic acid days are quite brutal. I’ve had a couple where I’ve been close to vomiting.

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:

BF%: No shoes allowed in Japanese apartments so can’t gauge. Perhaps 18%?


Am I the only one completely confused by this part?

[quote]kayveeay wrote:
PimpBot5000 wrote:

BF%: No shoes allowed in Japanese apartments so can’t gauge. Perhaps 18%?

Am I the only one completely confused by this part? [/quote]


[quote]kayveeay wrote:
PimpBot5000 wrote:

BF%: No shoes allowed in Japanese apartments so can’t gauge. Perhaps 18%?

Am I the only one completely confused by this part? [/quote]

It’s an old joke stemming from a poster who was holding a shoe in his photo, asking what his BF % was…

[quote]SkyNett wrote:
kayveeay wrote:
PimpBot5000 wrote:

BF%: No shoes allowed in Japanese apartments so can’t gauge. Perhaps 18%?

Am I the only one completely confused by this part?

It’s an old joke stemming from a poster who was holding a shoe in his photo, asking what his BF % was… [/quote]

LOL, I am feeling a bit dumb… I didn’t even make the connection to eliteballa…

I appreciate the ratings so far everyone. Thank you.

Are there any more comments? Advice? Of course I need to lose bodyfat and am in the process of doing so now. My eventual goal is relatively modest by bodybuilding standards…10% BF. Considering I used to be 30% BF+ though, it would be a big achievement for me.

I’ve always considered my side delts to be a weak point of mine. I really have trouble both isolating them and making them grow.

And all this time I thought you were Japanese. You lost so many cool points.

[quote]kayveeay wrote:
PimpBot5000 wrote:

BF%: No shoes allowed in Japanese apartments so can’t gauge. Perhaps 18%?

Am I the only one completely confused by this part? [/quote]

He’s referencing eliteballa’s famous thread.

Looking good I would probably rate you between 13-15% bf though. 18 seems a bit high. You already have a lean look. Good progress keep it up.

dude youre like 10% Bf, abs are visible but not deeply defined and you have quad seperation. no way youre anywhere CLOSE to 15% let alone 18 lol…unless that was a joke or something?

it seems the rating system has gotten a lot lighter here, i dont think you wouldve gotten a 5.6 a few months ago.

i noticed you said creatine doesnt work for you, have you tried takin an esthyl ester? i used a monohydrate and it didnt do anything for me then decided to try out EE about a week or two ago and i think ive noticed its effects.

Thank you for the comments

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
dude youre like 10% Bf, abs are visible but not deeply defined and you have quad seperation. no way youre anywhere CLOSE to 15% let alone 18 lol…unless that was a joke or something?

When I was in University I used to help conduct underwater weighings (BF tests) for some varsity athletes…partly for lab experience and partly for extra credit. I would see these guys come in…wrestlers/sprinters and so on…looking pretty damned lean…and they would routinely come up as 9, 10, 11% BF. This is when I tested myself and came up as 30% (thinking I was around 18%). Since then I’ve tried never to underestimate my bodyfat.

I believe Christian Thibaudeau said that he was 10% BF in his avatar photo (the black and white one), and he certainly looks a hell of a lot leaner than I do.

What do you mean by “lighter”? Do you think I would have scored lower in months past?

I tried the ethyl ester, as it seems to have helped a lot of “non-responders” like me. Unfortunately, no effect…except nearly puking after each dose :slight_smile:

I give you a solid 7.

You would have got a 10 if you were really Japanese. An 11 if you were a ninja.

Nah, but seriously, nice work man, keep it up!

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
Thank you for the comments

LiveFromThe781 wrote:
dude youre like 10% Bf, abs are visible but not deeply defined and you have quad seperation. no way youre anywhere CLOSE to 15% let alone 18 lol…unless that was a joke or something?

When I was in University I used to help conduct underwater weighings (BF tests) for some varsity athletes…partly for lab experience and partly for extra credit. I would see these guys come in…wrestlers/sprinters and so on…looking pretty damned lean…and they would routinely come up as 9, 10, 11% BF. This is when I tested myself and came up as 30% (thinking I was around 18%). Since then I’ve tried never to underestimate my bodyfat.

I believe Christian Thibaudeau said that he was 10% BF in his avatar photo (the black and white one), and he certainly looks a hell of a lot leaner than I do.

it seems the rating system has gotten a lot lighter here, i dont think you wouldve gotten a 5.6 a few months ago.

What do you mean by “lighter”? Do you think I would have scored lower in months past?

i noticed you said creatine doesnt work for you, have you tried takin an esthyl ester? i used a monohydrate and it didnt do anything for me then decided to try out EE about a week or two ago and i think ive noticed its effects.

I tried the ethyl ester, as it seems to have helped a lot of “non-responders” like me. Unfortunately, no effect…except nearly puking after each dose :-)[/quote]

by the rating system comment i mean inflated. case in point Makaveli giving you a 7. that kid Powerbarboy has an 8 and a bunch of other dudes who compete recieved 7’s. personally, i rate people a lot easier than most folks on here though who seem to compare everyone against Ronnie Coleman or Arnold. i wasnt saying you look bad or anything, i was just making an observation on the rating system.

thats pretty interesting about the BF% stuff. my rules of thumb has always been:

14%+ totally smoothed out, no definition minimal vascularity

12% some smoothing, top two abs visible light vascularity

10% abs become noticeable, vascularity increased and definition becomes more apparent.

8% pretty much shredded, very vascular, great ab definition

i figure anything under 8% is contest shape.

Thibs may have been 10% in his shoot but even if thats the case im sure he was carb depleted and completely dry. bodyfat% are pretty irrelevant anyway, ive never really found a practical use for it its just kind of a bragging rights thing i guess and bottom line is if youre lean youre lean and if youre fat youre fat. regardless of what any caliper has to say about it.