Please rate my back, I’m 6’0 and I think I weigh about 210…If you have any suggestions, please include the exercises that I can do to target that area.
- Adam
Please rate my back, I’m 6’0 and I think I weigh about 210…If you have any suggestions, please include the exercises that I can do to target that area.
Looking pretty solid.
I’ve been really focusing on my lat width and my rear delts…
Solid back man. You look like you’d be heavier than you actually are, which is always good.
Only thing I see that could use some work is your lower trap area, but that may just be the picture that makes it seem that way. The best way to fire the lower traps is just to really focus on the scapular retraction part of the rowing movements you indubitably do.
There’s an exercise I saw in the Building the Efficient Athlete DVDs that really targets the lower traps. It’s done on a bench set on an incline, in the position you’d do a chest supported row from. Instead of the rowing movement, you simply raise your arms in front of you to make a sort of V at the end of the bench. You’ll have to use pretty light weights because of the nature of the movement.
Keep up the hard work
[quote]adamhum wrote:
I’ve been really focusing on my lat width and my rear delts…[/quote]
…and it shows. Nice v-taper, and rear delt def. Great work! Keep it up
Someone that’s not a troll posts a pic worthy of comment! Great work, really balanced. Just keep adding mass. Focus on the mid and lower traps. Your spinal erectors are looking good as well.
I really appreciate the feedback, I’m going to look into more exercises which target my lower traps. I think the Lat width is coming along and I will just need to work on building thickness, like you mentioned.
[quote]Flow wrote:
Solid back man. You look like you’d be heavier than you actually are, which is always good.
Only thing I see that could use some work is your lower trap area, but that may just be the picture that makes it seem that way. The best way to fire the lower traps is just to really focus on the scapular retraction part of the rowing movements you indubitably do.
There’s an exercise I saw in the Building the Efficient Athlete DVDs that really targets the lower traps. It’s done on a bench set on an incline, in the position you’d do a chest supported row from. Instead of the rowing movement, you simply raise your arms in front of you to make a sort of V at the end of the bench. You’ll have to use pretty light weights because of the nature of the movement.
Keep up the hard work :D[/quote]
Upper back would have looked even better if you pulled the arms up higher and back in the pose. Just keep working on your goals. Another 15lbs and you’ll be a level up in terms of mass. laters pk
And to think, when you joined us, you wanted to cut and enter a BB comp.
very fucking impressive. at 6’ you like you should be weighin at least 225 or so. very solid. makes me question your legs tho… but it could be just low bf. anyway, keep up the good work and dont mind my ramblings
Here’s a picture of my white legs:)
[quote]coolnatedawg wrote:
very fucking impressive. at 6’ you like you should be weighin at least 225 or so. very solid. makes me question your legs tho… but it could be just low bf. anyway, keep up the good work and dont mind my ramblings[/quote]
look like arnolds legs on the beach in that famous pic after his surgery…
[quote]muscle_mike wrote:
look like arnolds legs on the beach in that famous pic after his surgery…[/quote]
The size or the whiteness? I hope you meant the latter. Good work, Adam.
I’m not sure which image your referring to, do you have a link?
[quote]muscle_mike wrote:
look like arnolds legs on the beach in that famous pic after his surgery…[/quote]
Check out exercise 2 in that article.
I’m 5’8 215 and my back looks nothing like that. Good work
good back i gave you an 8 however raise your arms up and pull your lats out.
[quote]kroby wrote:
And to think, when you joined us, you wanted to cut and enter a BB comp.[/quote]
Good point. You shut up and ended up not entering that show, didn’t you? Look what good it did you. Nice work. Keep it up.
damn can none of you people pose? back boy…elbows up and foreward to get a full lat spread…wheres my cattle prod?