Thanks, we’ll see how much the weight comes off, still curious about the fat:weight lost ratio I am gonna end up with.
I opted for cat 2 based on the other thread, and because I wanna do it for 3-4 weeks as opposed to the 11 days Lyle recommends for cat 1. Mentally I feel more capable of handling cat 2 than cat 1. Also depends on how much fat you have, I am barely into the cat 2 fat levels, so I could do cat 1.
You can buy ephedrine in some anti-cough medication - bronkaid and primatene mist (pills) are the 2 that come to mind. They don’t sell those in pharmacies here, and Ohio law requires a signature so no online purchases.
As for a depletion workout, I am on a lifting program with my rugby at a sports performance center once a week. That was on Tuesday, I look like I have been swimming after that workout, so I figure it was close enuff to a depletion workout.
I reckon getting the measurements in now is a good idea. Check the V-Diet guidelines on where to measure, as that is what I go by all the time.
Good idea on waiting till after the weekend. I went absolutely nuts before I started, ate a retarded amount of junk food last weekend to get it all out of my system, lol.
Just had my cheat meal of the week - chipotle burrito! Refeed is on saturday, gonna try to get it on Sunday next week.
[quote]gregron wrote:
Congrats on the 4 lbs already man. Im still kind of thinking that I should maybe do the diet as a cat 2 but I think i’ll start as a cat 1 and after the 2 weeks i’ll re evaluate and possibly go to cat 2 if that seems more appropriate.
I’m also going to be using HOT-ROX for my fat burner. i don’t even think they sell ephedrine in California anymore (even though I heard you can get it over the counter as an anti allergy remedy or something?)
Im also thinking about hitting the diet with a 3 times a week workout approach (mon, wed, fri) with some walks on off days… did you start with the high rep depletion workout to start the diet? I’m really getting ancy to try this diet out. I’ve got the two year anniversary with my girl this weekend so I’m waiting till after that to start up. Maybe I’ll get some measurements in now (cause I cant wait till monday)
Good luck everyone and I’m excited to hear everyones progress!