Rapid Fat Loss

I was reading up on this thread and found it very interesting. I wanna buy the E-book (too impatient to wait for the hard copy to come in the mail) and start this up pretty soon.

I tore my Labrum and have been recovering from the shoulder surgery. I’ve put on some unwanted body fat during the past couple months of rehab.

Is anyone still doing this program? I should be starting in the next couple days and I’ll be posting some before/after pics. Anyone out there with me?

raises hand

I just started a PSMF diet consisting of whey shakes only (no, it is not the V-Diet), i read about a guy who did it for 12 weeks and lost a bunch of fat.

Good luck man, and just remember “the hunger is the fat leaving the body” ;).

just purchased the Ebook. from Lyle’s website and I’m gonna be reading through and starting up this program in a couple days probably.
I was wondering why no one had posted in the old “Rapid Fat Loss vs Velocity Diet” thread but I guess that thread has reached its limit?


Yeah, it reached its limit unfortunatly! Glad there has been another thread started up. Ive had some good success with this diet so far. I started on the 18th December, category 2. So far ive gone from 215lbs to 204lbs (weighed in today)
Quite tough to stick too, but if your like me and you are sick of fat loss at a snail pace, but cannot afford the V Diet, then this is ideal.

[quote]CptAwesome wrote:
Yeah, it reached its limit unfortunatly! Glad there has been another thread started up. Ive had some good success with this diet so far. I started on the 18th December, category 2. So far ive gone from 215lbs to 204lbs (weighed in today)
Quite tough to stick too, but if your like me and you are sick of fat loss at a snail pace, but cannot afford the V Diet, then this is ideal.[/quote]

I hope that this thread will do close to as well as that other one caus it was good. I haven’t finished reading the boom yet (I’ve been busy with work/new years reorganizing) but hope to finish soon. I wanted to start this week but have got some things happening this weekend so i’ll be starting up Monday instead.

I don’t exactly know what my BF% is but it’s probably around 15 I think so I think I might try the diet as a category 1 (15% says cat 1 and 16% says your a cat 2) but I’m not sure?

What’s your goal for the diet? Have you noticed any changes besides the scale weight? Did you get before and after pics/measurments? Good luck on the diet man and congrats on the 11 pounds in the 2 and a half weeks. That’s awesome.Reggiereg.

[quote]gregron wrote:

[quote]CptAwesome wrote:
Yeah, it reached its limit unfortunatly! Glad there has been another thread started up. Ive had some good success with this diet so far. I started on the 18th December, category 2. So far ive gone from 215lbs to 204lbs (weighed in today)
Quite tough to stick too, but if your like me and you are sick of fat loss at a snail pace, but cannot afford the V Diet, then this is ideal.[/quote]

I hope that this thread will do close to as well as that other one caus it was good. I haven’t finished reading the boom yet (I’ve been busy with work/new years reorganizing) but hope to finish soon. I wanted to start this week but have got some things happening this weekend so i’ll be starting up Monday instead.

I don’t exactly know what my BF% is but it’s probably around 15 I think so I think I might try the diet as a category 1 (15% says cat 1 and 16% says your a cat 2) but I’m not sure?

What’s your goal for the diet? Have you noticed any changes besides the scale weight? Did you get before and after pics/measurments? Good luck on the diet man and congrats on the 11 pounds in the 2 and a half weeks. That’s awesome.Reggiereg.[/quote]

Id try Cat 2 for a few weeks, then if you lose significantly, switch to cat 1 asap.
My goal for the diet, ultimatly is to get down to 10% body fat. I started at 23% and am probably 18-20% at the moment. Ive noticed quite a lot of difference so far.

Physically i feel more full of energy than i did when i was on a maintainance diet (i probably put that down to HOT-ROX Extreme) and im noticing fat loss in every area. Ive had lots of feedback from colleagues and family so far, and a fair few expressing concern that i may be losing too fast. Ive taken a fair few before pictures but not taking any after ones until i finish my first phase (which should be in a couple of weeks).

Its definatly the hardest eating plan ive ever had to follow, as i love food like bacon, whole eggs, peanut butter and full fat cheese… but the speed at which it comes off makes it worthwhile. Ive previously been frustrated by the slow and steady method of losing weight/fat, having gone from 252 to 215 over the span of a year, having tried to build muscle, gain strength and lose fat all at the same time.

It wasnt until i spoke to John Romaniello (one of the friendliest, decent guys ive ever talked too) who suggested that i attack the fat problem first before doing anything else, which lead me to finding out about rapid fat loss from this forum.

I’m gonna finish reading the book before I decide if I’m gonna fo cat 1 or cat 2 but your probably right about trying cat 2 first. I’m pretty excited to

o this diet and see how it works. I’ve never really done a “diet” before so we’ll see how it goes… I usually eat pretty clean but the months of basically no activity with my arm imobilized in a sling and kinda feeling depressed about it have done some damage to the physique.

I was thinking about maybe starting up a log when I start the diet to track my eating, workouts and progress but we’ll see if there’s any interest in that otherwise I’ll just keep my own logs… Congrats on your progress so far and keep it up!


Just wanted to say good luck to all!
If you stick to it, you will see results(rapidly, hee!)

I dieted from Aug-DEC and lost about 35lbs, taking breaks in between as well…

Like Gregron- I never did a ‘diet,’ but I was tired of the ‘moderate approach.’ This diet is awesome for just gritting your teeth and getting over the fat loss so you can get on with your life!

[quote]mom-in-MD wrote:
Just wanted to say good luck to all!
If you stick to it, you will see results(rapidly, hee!)

I dieted from Aug-DEC and lost about 35lbs, taking breaks in between as well…

Like Gregron- I never did a ‘diet,’ but I was tired of the ‘moderate approach.’ This diet is awesome for just gritting your teeth and getting over the fat loss so you can get on with your life! [/quote]

wow 35lbs? thats great! good job!

I’m wondering why this thread like the Rapid Fat Loss vs Velocity Diet thread keeps getting pushed back to page 2. It seems odd

[quote]uwedave wrote:
I’m wondering why this thread like the Rapid Fat Loss vs Velocity Diet thread keeps getting pushed back to page 2. It seems odd [/quote]

yeah I was wondering the same thing? I even found it on page three even though it was one of the most recently updated threads (only half the threads on the first page had been updated that day) it’s really strange that it keeps falling behind?

Uwedave are you doing the diet or have you done the diet in the past?


Greg, I need to do the diet and will soon enough. I just moved to the UK so I have some things to do before I can start. I’m looking for feedback on it since the short periods (one week) I have done have shown that it might be the best diet for me.

Just started this on Monday actually. Opted to do a category 2 dieter. Trying to shed some of the extra weight I put on while bulking, then its back to the bulk.

Taking weekly pics, forgot to do measurements and I lifted today, plus my cheat meal is tonight, I have measurements from 3-4 weeks ago, so maybe I will use those. Scale weight is down 4 lbs since Sunday.

The goal is just to shed some extra fat, then get back to the fun stuff. Plan on doing this till the end of January.

hhmm…what else? Lifting 3 times a week (I know Lyle recommends2, but whatever), with NEPA walks on non-lifting days.

The only thing I am doing different than his book is that the EC stack is hard as fuck to get in Ohio (couldn’t find ephedrine anywhere, and I had no idea if pseudoephedrine would cut it), so I am going with HOT-ROX and rhodiola rosea.

[quote]Ren wrote:
Just started this on Monday actually. Opted to do a category 2 dieter. Trying to shed some of the extra weight I put on while bulking, then its back to the bulk.

Taking weekly pics, forgot to do measurements and I lifted today, plus my cheat meal is tonight, I have measurements from 3-4 weeks ago, so maybe I will use those. Scale weight is down 4 lbs since Sunday.

The goal is just to shed some extra fat, then get back to the fun stuff. Plan on doing this till the end of January.

hhmm…what else? Lifting 3 times a week (I know Lyle recommends2, but whatever), with NEPA walks on non-lifting days.

The only thing I am doing different than his book is that the EC stack is hard as fuck to get in Ohio (couldn’t find ephedrine anywhere, and I had no idea if pseudoephedrine would cut it), so I am going with HOT-ROX and rhodiola rosea.[/quote]

Congrats on the 4 lbs already man. Im still kind of thinking that I should maybe do the diet as a cat 2 but I think i’ll start as a cat 1 and after the 2 weeks i’ll re evaluate and possibly go to cat 2 if that seems more appropriate.

I’m also going to be using HOT-ROX for my fat burner. i don’t even think they sell ephedrine in California anymore (even though I heard you can get it over the counter as an anti allergy remedy or something?)

Im also thinking about hitting the diet with a 3 times a week workout approach (mon, wed, fri) with some walks on off days… did you start with the high rep depletion workout to start the diet? I’m really getting ancy to try this diet out. I’ve got the two year anniversary with my girl this weekend so I’m waiting till after that to start up. Maybe I’ll get some measurements in now (cause I cant wait till monday)

Good luck everyone and I’m excited to hear everyones progress!


[quote]uwedave wrote:
Greg, I need to do the diet and will soon enough. I just moved to the UK so I have some things to do before I can start. I’m looking for feedback on it since the short periods (one week) I have done have shown that it might be the best diet for me.[/quote]

so are you saying that you’ve done this diet before for one week stints? I feel like this is going to be a good diet for me (im trying to get my girl to do it as well but she’s not all in on it yet)

Have you read the “rapid fat loss vs velocity diet” thread? its got a lot of feedback from people using it and posting some pretty amazing results… if you havent you should check it out (its only 17 pages)


Thanks, we’ll see how much the weight comes off, still curious about the fat:weight lost ratio I am gonna end up with.

I opted for cat 2 based on the other thread, and because I wanna do it for 3-4 weeks as opposed to the 11 days Lyle recommends for cat 1. Mentally I feel more capable of handling cat 2 than cat 1. Also depends on how much fat you have, I am barely into the cat 2 fat levels, so I could do cat 1.

You can buy ephedrine in some anti-cough medication - bronkaid and primatene mist (pills) are the 2 that come to mind. They don’t sell those in pharmacies here, and Ohio law requires a signature so no online purchases.

As for a depletion workout, I am on a lifting program with my rugby at a sports performance center once a week. That was on Tuesday, I look like I have been swimming after that workout, so I figure it was close enuff to a depletion workout.

I reckon getting the measurements in now is a good idea. Check the V-Diet guidelines on where to measure, as that is what I go by all the time.

Good idea on waiting till after the weekend. I went absolutely nuts before I started, ate a retarded amount of junk food last weekend to get it all out of my system, lol.

Just had my cheat meal of the week - chipotle burrito! Refeed is on saturday, gonna try to get it on Sunday next week.

[quote]gregron wrote:
Congrats on the 4 lbs already man. Im still kind of thinking that I should maybe do the diet as a cat 2 but I think i’ll start as a cat 1 and after the 2 weeks i’ll re evaluate and possibly go to cat 2 if that seems more appropriate.

I’m also going to be using HOT-ROX for my fat burner. i don’t even think they sell ephedrine in California anymore (even though I heard you can get it over the counter as an anti allergy remedy or something?)

Im also thinking about hitting the diet with a 3 times a week workout approach (mon, wed, fri) with some walks on off days… did you start with the high rep depletion workout to start the diet? I’m really getting ancy to try this diet out. I’ve got the two year anniversary with my girl this weekend so I’m waiting till after that to start up. Maybe I’ll get some measurements in now (cause I cant wait till monday)

Good luck everyone and I’m excited to hear everyones progress!


I did mostly tb workouts 3x/week…hardly any form of cardio…oh, and I didn’t take any supps as far as fat burners…

What is recommended is called broncaid…it’s an asthma med. Honestly, the diet really takes care of the fat loss…if you want energy just drink coffee! :stuck_out_tongue:

HOT-ROX is good, but expensive compared to a $5.00 package of those other pills…but I just didn’t feel comfy with taking them! to each there own…

[quote]gregron wrote:
i don’t even think they sell ephedrine in California anymore (even though I heard you can get it over the counter as an anti allergy remedy or something?)

Bronkaid. It’s an asthma medication. You have to buy it at the pharmacy counter and they log your driver’s license info to ensure you’re not buying enough to make meth. Not every pharmacy has it, but many do.

good info everyone. I’m just gonn stick with the HOT-ROX :slight_smile:

Have you read the “rapid fat loss vs Velocity Diet” thread? its got a lot of feedback from people using it and posting some pretty amazing results… if you havent you should check it out (its only 17 pages)


I read it and it got me interested.
I’m gonna have a few months off soon and plan to use that as RFL time. I did the one week stints as a trial but it’s a hard diet for an Olympic style lifter. Now that I have moved and don’t have a gym that lets me do the Olympic lifts I will give it a shot.