I have recently been noticing people around the age of 30-45 years of age telling me their past stories about weight lifting. From co-workers to people I know personally. Or take for example the mall today.
They always are over weight by a good 30lbs and try to act like they actually know what they’re talking about. Comments like “ohh, yeah, I used to do all those protein shakes and… stuff.” “I remember when I had ripped abs and I had huge arms and now I’m old and fat.” More like you were a twig with such a small percent of body fat that you could see your abs and you still eat McDonalds 3 times a day but you don’t have Phys ED 5 days a week anymore.
I cannot stand this! Going off on a small tangent: I have had people tell me they can squat 300lbs when they’re 5’ 5", 150lbs and I know for a fact they have only lifted a month. I don’t even know what to say to a comment like that…uhhh “cool.” Oh, but keep in mind, they just started to lift after quitting because…they cant commit? If you are 6’ 4", 180lbs and you haven’t ever touched a weight, you’re not cut, your a fucking dumb twig so quit trying to convince me that you are ripped now, or was in passed years.
Why would I believe someone I hardly know, about your past weight lifting gains that took place 10 years ago when I cant even trust someone that I know personally about their lifts that they performed yesterday?
One story I have to tell that happened about two weeks ago. A co-worker of mine keeps telling me how he used to be in such great shape and used to look like me. “Had all them protien shakes, ripped abs, the girls are probably all over you like they used to be all over me.” So obviously he would know how to eat right, right? Wrong, he comes over and starts asking me about a diet plan so he can lose weight (I’m going to say he had to lose a good 30lbs). I asked him what he was eating and he named some things: Pizza, beer, soda, the list went on. So he looks at me and goes “I think it might be the pizza and beer, I’m not sure though.” What are you retarded? He does no physical exercise and eats, as you can see like a slob and ponders the reason he is over weight.
Quit compairing yourself to someone who actually has excellent nutrition and nice physique. I’m sick of people saying they lift more than they actually do and saying how they could of been an Abercrombie model if they looked like they did when they were 18.
I could keep going but the anger built up inside of me is too high right now.