I have an issue I just want to air out. It all starts after my trip to the gym today. My partner and I are on The Waterbury Method, today is 10X3 pull-ups for the first lift.
So we meet at the gym later than usual because of the holidays and see a different crowd than we are use to. We head over to where we are able to do pull-ups which also happens to be where the cable machines are located. Here there is a guy 253Ibs, I know exactly how much because I heard him talking about it to three different people in the gym.
He has his bag overflowing with stuff. His gallon jug of water which I’m sure he is going to need for his long workout and his belt which doesn’t fit into his bag. All of this is taking up the whole area, along with the fact that he is pacing and turning and flexing and staring and just generally taking a LONG time between sets.
Of which he is doing EVERY tricep extension variation I have ever heard of. After waiting for fifteen minutes watching I decided to ask how much longer he thought he would be or if this was his last set. His response “I have 10-16 exercises left.” To that I just walked away. We just had to modify our workout some and it worked out alright.
He did do about that many more exercises for his triceps, which I found to be not all that impressive.
There was also another big guy in there that was working out very hard squating over 405 and benching over 315. This got the attention of the tricep guy who after the display of strength threw on a belt and 155 pounds on the curl bar. Then proceeded to huff and puff and curl(clean) the weight up to his chin. then strut around flexing some more and talking about putting up 405 on the bench and much more on the squat.
After the other put up 365 on the bench the tricep guy said “Now you’ve got my attention”
Now my point;
I am only 150Ibs. I see all these guys cheating every move they make and I’m sure if I saw tricep guy squat it would be equally as impressive and his 155 curl/clean. So at 150Ibs. my 325 Squat, 250 Bench, BW+75 Pull-up, BW+125 Dip, is that not just as impressive?
Of course performing all with strict form and perfect execution.
Give the smaller guys at the gym some props they are trying to get bigger. Pound for pound they might be stronger!