[rant]I am from Ottawa, ON in Canada and I have my ordered some stuff from Biotest shipped via FedEx, the package took 2 days to get here which is awsome but now customs has my stuff it’s been 5 days. For bleep sakes it’s just Metabolic Drive, Flameout and Superfood. AARRRRGHHHHH[/rant]
[quote]JailBa8 wrote:
[rant]I am from Ottawa, ON in Canada and I have my ordered some stuff from Biotest shipped via FedEx, the package took 2 days to get here which is awsome but now customs has my stuff it’s been 5 days. For bleep sakes it’s just Metabolic Drive, Flameout and Superfood. AARRRRGHHHHH[/rant] [/quote]
Bummer mate.
Didn’t I read somewhere that some Biotest products are not allowed into Canada? Maybe they just recognised the name on the parcel and are dragging their feet.
[quote]Renton wrote:
JailBa8 wrote:
[rant]I am from Ottawa, ON in Canada and I have my ordered some stuff from Biotest shipped via FedEx, the package took 2 days to get here which is awsome but now customs has my stuff it’s been 5 days. For bleep sakes it’s just Metabolic Drive, Flameout and Superfood. AARRRRGHHHHH[/rant]
Bummer mate.
Didn’t I read somewhere that some Biotest products are not allowed into Canada? Maybe they just recognised the name on the parcel and are dragging their feet.[/quote]
You can buy them at supplement stores here, but they are overpriced compared to what you get when buying online.
I spent 7 hours in an airport’s customs department today, getting my shit. And the place is a 2 hour drive away from me. How’s THAT for bureaucracy!? And “my shit” was just clothes and books! [Dave Chappelle] Goddamn! [/Dave Chappelle]
If the Canadian system is anything like the UK system was, your stuff probably is just getting personally inspected by some dude to make sure Biotest isn’t lying about the contents or their price. Should be with you soon.
My Biotest stuff should be arriving this week, hope it doesn’t get held up Also hope I won’t get coerced into paying an unreasonable fee… Fuck, I hate customs!
Edit: speaking of ovepriced Biotest supps, paid 130 USD for Flameout and Surge yesterday. GODDAMN again! Well, at least I was so psyched to even have the opportunity to buy these around here, and finally get some Flameout I didn’t even mind the price.
[quote]G87 wrote:
If the Canadian system is anything like the UK system was, your stuff probably is just getting personally inspected by some dude to make sure Biotest isn’t lying about the contents or their price. Should be with you soon.
That’s exactly what’s going on i called and they told me this guy is suppose to inspect them but he hasn’t been there in two days, i am like WTF!!! so i am just suppose to wait for my stuff while some guy doesn’t go to work to do his job, i wonder how many other peeps are in the same boat as me with more important stuff than my supplements
They must’ve read my rant got my stuff today