Quick Question...Kinda Stupid...

Quick question (kind of opinion based)…how do you guys break up your injections?..If you’re taking 1000 mg test a week, would you take that all on one day or break it up into several smaller injections…just curious…

Depends on how many injectables I am using, but with 1000mg of test (assuming 4cc’s of test 250), I shoot 2 cc’s in each glute every week. In general I try to spread the shots around so that one or two sights don’t get saturated too fast. Just my humble opinion though.

I try to take my shots as frequently as possible. If you use insulin pins they are quite painless and you can stick them just about anywhere. I find that keeping as stable a blood concentration as possible gives the best results and the fewest side effects. Such is just my opinion however.

The reason I ask is because I am about to run 500 mg of sustanon/wk and haven’t decided how I want to spread out the injections, especially cause I am using 29 gauge insulin syringes…

You’re likely going to get the best results from injecting frequently. Every other day should fit the bill for you nicely. Sustanon has several components to it, but to take full advantage of the propionate ester included in it, you should be injecting more frequently. Technically you could get away with injecting once per week but you will get greater fluctuations in blood concentration, which has a negative impact on results and can lead to more pronounced side effects (especially acne).