New to the forums obviously and appreciate any responses/smartasses and flamers not welcome. How big of an impact does nicotine have on ones appetite, progress, ability to gain weight? I have been the same weight since high school and have dipped for quite some time.
I noticed a long time ago that my appetite wasn’t what it used to be, i.e. I could probably have ate more at 13 than I can now. I recently quit dipping and am noticing my appetite coming back in full force… thoughts?
Nicotine’s an appetite supressant. I’m not sure about the other stuff. I know Anthony Roberts used it when training Ms. New Jersey, but I don’t recall why. You may want to read that article.
Probably to help her lose weight… which is the opposite of what I am trying to do. Maybe someone can recommend a decent weight gainer or protein drink because I simply cannot stomach the GNC shit that I wasted my money on. It’s simply too thick and tastes like dirt.
I’m slowly getting my appetite back but it’ll take another week or so to get full blown.
The more tar on your lungs the less oxygen gets to your muscle and therefor the less force the muscle can produce.
Being an appetitie supressor is individual…
[quote]AKA wrote:
I would just like to state that pretty much every smoker i’ve seen gets fatter and fatter.
It may lower your appetite, but what does it do to your metabolism?[/quote]
I’d say that’s more of the result of living a generally unhealthy lifestyle. Most smokers I know are less likely to exercise and more likely to make bad food choices. However, I have known many people that stopped smoking and almost instantly gained around 20 pounds.
I think Shugart says it best in some of his blogs about smoking. Nicotine may help you lose weight by surpressing appetite, but why would you use something that has been proven to drastically lower your life expectancy?
[quote]APD221 wrote:
New to the forums obviously and appreciate any responses/smartasses and flamers not welcome. How big of an impact does nicotine have on ones appetite, progress, ability to gain weight? I have been the same weight since high school and have dipped for quite some time.
I noticed a long time ago that my appetite wasn’t what it used to be, i.e. I could probably have ate more at 13 than I can now. I recently quit dipping and am noticing my appetite coming back in full force… thoughts?[/quote]
As a wrestler in High School I started dipping. I fluctuated from the 145 to 165 divisions. Whenever I needed to lose weight I would dip. It would cut my appetite and I would spit all the time. I got hooked and started dipping all the time.
I kept dipping through my military years. When I began seriously working out I stopped dipping and added 25lbs on my frame within a year.
Over the years I have dipped off and on and quit for the final time 2 years ago when my son was born. Since then I have added 15+ more lbs and am still gaining.
Scientifically I couldn’t tell you if my gains are connected to me quitting dip, but without the Kodiac I feel like my gains keep getting better. It could all be in my head.
I think my metabolism is part of my problem… I have always been able to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Does anyone know if me eating 7-8 small meals thru the day is keeping my metabolism blazing fast? When I was in basic training years ago I gained sooooo much weight in 2 weeks. My friend contributed it to eating 3 squares a day and exercising with mass consumption of water, any thoughts? His idea was that the 3 squares a day forced my metabolism to slow down…
Oh trust me, I’m doing all the research I can. Now I’m 27 yrs old, 6’2 and weigh about 155-160. I have been the same weight since high school and have always been self concious about it, thus the reason to stop dipping and get my ass in the gym, seriously this time.
I’m a newb when it comes to all this fitness shit, I don’t know what half the exercises you all talk about look like, wouldn’t begin to know how to do them. I simply want to gain as much weight and muscle as possible, period. I don’t want to look like RC or Jay C, I think that shit looks nasty, I simply want a nice large cut physique.
Being in law enforcement and having the kind of complex I do has really taken it’s toll on me the last 6 yrs. I’l take all the flaming and criticism in the world if ti helps me attain my goals.
If you want to improve your physique, no matter what your goals, you need to learn this “shit”. Otherwise you’re wasting your time, and will be thoroughly disgusted with the results.
Did you just get handed a gun as a kid or did someone show you how to use it properly? If you point the gun at yourself and pull the trigger will the perp go down?
That’s why I’m here bro. The purpose of the last comment is to let everyone kow my level of knowledge and to ask for patience if I ask what certain abbreviations stand for or what certain exercises look like, also for any knowledge on the effects of nicotine on appetite. I will continue to search for info as the questions come to me, but plz feel free to throw any info out there that comes to mind, the things you wish you knew when you started that noone told you. Thnx in advance.
Oh I am reading everything I can, just thought if people could put the one most important piece of advice in here that it would be nice, as far as the info I am not looking for a free ride, I’m going to put work in and do the research and absorb as much as possible.
[quote] Anthony Roberts wrote:
Nicotine is a very potent fat loss agent, as well as a very nice appetite suppressant. But the thing that I was really banking on was nicotine’s anti-estrogenic activity. Hell, if estrogen was the problem, this was the solution.
[quote]APD221 wrote:
Oh trust me, I’m doing all the research I can. Now I’m 27 yrs old, 6’2 and weigh about 155-160. I have been the same weight since high school and have always been self concious about it, thus the reason to stop dipping and get my ass in the gym, seriously this time.[/quote]
Dude, I’m your height, and two years ago I was your weight, as well. Now, I’m at 205 and still looking to gain, because at our height 200lbs just doesn’t look like much.
I’m crediting a lot of these gains to being a teen. From 15 to 17, a gain of 50 pounds is doable, but I had to eat a lot to do it (also, most of that gain was muscle, I stopped growing at 15). What really helped me was drinking a quart of milk right before bed, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t really have a blazing metabolism, which has been a curse and a blessing in my case.
Other than that, lift heavy, load your spine, and consider dropping all cardio as well as training with a split. Fullbody didn’t do much for me, probably because of the higher calories burned. I was doing 6 compound lifts for 10x3 and 4x6 on 3 days a week, now I do 2 compounds for 4x6 and 2 isolations for 3x10 4 days a week, which already lead to about 5 pounds in 3 weeks.
Excellent Robert, kind of reply I was looking for as opposed to the " just read " stuff, I know I need to read but it helps when people with specific knowledge direct you more to where you need to be. Yes, I do having a blazing fast metabolism, so you are recommending milk of all things? I am doing a basic training right now I would assume, diff group everyday with saturday and sunday off doing 10x3 on every exercise. Anymore advice guys plz post, I am like a sponge right now. Thnx in advance.