There are a lot of great articles on this site about nutrition, when and what to eat, and even recipes for great meals. However, for some of us, this just wont happen the majority of the time.
For example, I am currently in school, mechanical engineering major, taking 19 credit/hours, married, and I give up one weekend a month to drill with the Air National Guard unit that I am in (it may not sound like a busy schedule, but it is very demanding). I know that if I planned and made out my meals at the beginning of each week, then I could eat great all day every day. The fact is, sometimes that is just too difficult for me to handle.
What I want to know is, when I cant “plan” my meals, what are some good, off the shelf, quick fix meals that you could classify as a decent meal, mainly for someone interested in muscle gain? I know I could stand in wal-mart and stare at the back of each label, but I would eventually kill someone because I hate wal-mart.
Right now I pretty much rely on tuna and canned chili, which are both cheap, quick and easy, and seem to be fairly decent choices from my perspective.
I find that it is easy for me to give in to fast food because of its convenience, so I am looking for some substitute foods that are convenient that way when all hell breaks loose I can still get a “decent” meal. A lot of times I eat fast food, I dont even want it, but I feel almost forced to eat it because I dont have a lot of time and didnt have a meal planned.
So, what are some quick, off the shelf type meals that would be good choices. I am looking for some that require as little effort as possible. I figure with all the people on this site, I could probably get some pretty good ideas.