Questions on PWO Shake & Meal

What is the best fruit to dump in your shake PWO? Since I’ve switched from low carb to carbs in the morning / PWO I’ve been putting in a banana in my PWO shake with Grow! Whey, creatine and glycine.

If carbs are being ingested PWO, should glutamine still be used? I thought that replenished glycogen, but what if both are used?

In the meal afterward (1-2 hrs after my shake is ingested which is a few min. after PWO), what type of carbohydrates should be ingested, fast acting or slow? Since my PWO shake has fructose should the meal have slow acting carbs such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, couscous, etc. ?

Just throw out some foods you use for PWO; both in your shake and in the meal.

Also, I know fat shouldn’t be ingested in the PWO meal, but I usually have salad with vinegar and olive oil; should i ditch the olive oil or is this trivial?
