Questions about Type 2A

Hey CT,
You said that 2As training should have a neurological component and a muscular component.
-How would that apply to someone who is natural and only cares about hypertrophy ?
-Do you still use neurotype-based training recommendations when coaching enhanced athletes/bodybuilders ?

Well, it’s actually less clear cut than that. What 2As really need is to be excited by their workouts and they get bored easily. So it’s either starting the workout with a neurological component or having a lot more variation in the plan to keep them interested.

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When I or my staff do it, we don’t use “guidelines or recommendations”. We use the neurotyping test to understand the personality of the client and it does heavily influence how we interact with them and the general direction of the program. But other variables come into play when it comes to the actual design of the program.


I’m using coaches Omni Contraction stuff right now.

It’s a full body split, so you’re getting that 3 workouts per week “optimal hypertrophy frequency.”

Its got a day for regular lifting, a day for slow eccentric and a day for Isometric holds, so there is enough variety to keep it interesting.

And if you’ve got some kind of hip tilt or inhibited lat stuff going on the slow eccentrics and iso days are a great to focus on moving properly and keeping tension on the right muscles.

You should check it out!