Questions about the New Type 1B Diet

Hi Coach,

So instead of giving a million edits to the previous thread about buying the plan, I decided to start a new one because half of the other one isn’t relevant anymore.

As I said, I love the new approach, it is far more sustainable than the old one.

I will try to keep my questions briefer than the last thread and more to the point.

Q1 - In case of conditioning and endurance based activities, eg Muay Thai or hiking, do I change anything about carb timing?
Q2 - There has been a significant change to the supplement suggestions and nutrient amounts, I’m curious what brought that along?

Ps - I appreciate I am asking about paid content, so if there is a better platform to discuss my questions Coach, if you could please direct me to it.

Thank you for your time in advance!

I’m glad to hear you like it! I’m also curious and impatient about any info on this new diet haha. From the description, it looks like exactly the kind of thing I’ve been doing where I have low carbs all day until night when I eat a lot. I’d love to buy the new neurotyping stuff when I can. :slightly_smiling_face:

It is definitely a good piece of work. I also have the old one saved on my phone, I bought that one last summer.

To be honest I have had a similar approach myself even before buying the first diet, but it definitely helped making it more planned and specific than me kind of winging it.

And as I said, there are pretty significant differences between the old 1B and new 1B Diet, and I always like to understand what I’m doing, hence why I’m asking what brought the changes along.

It is 100% worth buying, definitely recommend it.

Thanks great to hear. Did you end up getting the new training plan as well? I bought the old one.

No, I didn’t buy the old one, and didn’t get the new one yet. I am curious of the concept but I find it easier to figure out training than nutrition, so I need more money to spare before deciding to spend on any training plan.

Yeah that makes sense. I actually haven’t used the training plan yet but did it mainly to support CT. Neurotyping is life changing!

I used the hell out of the first version diet while the gyms were open here, then since November I was kind of cruising with my food since my training is compromised.

I don’t knwo the virst version workout, but the recommendations in the first few neurotype articles called for like 5 hard training days and a neural charge workout, there were a ton of calories used there so there was no point me maintaining the same amount of calories for home workouts.