Hi CT,
I am planning to buy the new Neurotype 1B Diet, I’m curious, is there a lot of difference between that and the one that was on before the new website?
Also, it mentions carb backloading, which is probably similar to what I have been doing based on the previous version. If sometimes I do military type training, like a mix of running, PT, rucking, hiking, very endurance and lactic acid based, or Muay Thai sessions that require conditioning and usually last a total of 2 hours, would I change from back loading for that day, or alter carb timings? I know it doesn’t suit my neurotype directly, and if I had to do them daily I’d probably grow to hate it, at least the military type training, Muay Thai I never get bored of, but doing them only every once in a while it actually sparks me up because that way it’s a very drastic change from my regular training.
Thank you for your time in advance Coach!
Edit: So given my curious and impatient nature, I bought it today. It is a brilliant piece of work. It seems easier to follow than the previous mass gain concept for 1B was. I don’t want to go into too much detail in case I give away information I shouldn’t, but congratulations to the quality of the work CT, it is straightforward and more compact than the previous one as well.
The second question still stands tho, I am unsure about that.
Thank you Coach!