First, sorry English is not my first language. First time poster, long time reader.
I am 34 years old, 185 lbs, 12% body fat, and 5 feet, 8 inches. Lifting for 4 years now.
I did one cycle a couple of months ago. It was 10 weeks, test E 500mg a week, with winstrol, and arimidex .5 eod. It went well I believe. Cut lots of fat and build some muscle. Clomid was my pct.
My contact person told me to bulk. Gave me test E, dbol, and deca. The problem was before he gave me doses to start, he got arrested.
I would not dare to start anything before I am sure of how much to take. After reading forums, here is what I think:
Test E- week 1-10- 250 twice a week.
Dbol- week 1-4 30 mg.
Arimidex- .5 eod
Clomid- used as pct two weeks after my last pin.
Deca- Here is problem. I read a lot of bad things and good things. Will it work to do it week 1-10 at 100cc twice a week?
I have my diet. I count calories. I will be eating 500 calories above maintenance. Changing if needed.
Sorry for the long post. Thank you for the help. This site has great people with big knowledge.
[quote]Cn484 wrote:
what would you recommend? As I understand, one should take double amount of testosterone of the dosage of deca.
Also, I am worried about the deca dick to be honest. Since my source is in jail, I want to make sure I get it right. Thanks in advance.[/quote]
Ive run low test high deca before and was fine so i think what you heard is bro science. As long as you have a replacement dose of test everything SHOULD BE fine. But some people respond poorly to deca in terms of sides. You wont knoe until you try. But having said that, it might be smart to stsrt with a lower dose.