Thanks for the help everyone… this site is full of info, but I have to ask some detailed questions…
hyperthetically speaking, of course, Let’s say I’ve been working out for all my adult life, mostly martial arts but I did some weight lifting for a few years too, developed a good build and gained about 20-30 pounds of muscle in that time, then started to lean back about 2 yrs ago to keep a fighting weight… now that I am not fighting, I want to start gaining again.
28 yrs old
195 lbs
15% BF
Train 3-4 x’s week and will incorporate heavy lifting with my martial arts routines
Never done AAS, just OTC supplements. a buddy gave me 20 ML Deca to start with. I’ve been sitting on it and reading up to get a gameplan going. Everything I read says to stack with test, but I have no access to anymore AAS so that’s not a option right now.
Assuming I will get a proper diet and train hard, what dosage and time table should I be looking at? How about the estrogen blockers at the end, what should I look at getting for this cycle? I am open and interested in any advise you think I should know.
hmm sounds like you’ve got a nice buddy who means well. Actually, he doesn’t mean well but prob he doesn’t know that so it’s kind of tough to fault him. Your only option really is to find a few more buddies like this one, esp one with test.
As long as you are a priest you should be good to go. If you like using your dick for anything else besides pissing you should not mess with deca only.
195 at 15%. You better be 5’9 or shorter.
Just looked at your pic. You don’t have an ideal base to begin using steroids. At your age steroids would be a big help but by the looks of things it doesn’t appear that you have the training and nutrition knowledge to make a cycle worthwhile. Deca only is still an awful idea.
[quote]chillain wrote:
hmm sounds like you’ve got a nice buddy who means well. Actually, he doesn’t mean well but prob he doesn’t know that so it’s kind of tough to fault him. Your only option really is to find a few more buddies like this one, esp one with test.
Let’s say I was browsing online and found some informative sites with different colored bottles. Should I be looking for testosterone cypionate (testoplexC300), testosterone enanthate (testoplexE300}, or Testosterone propionate (testoplex100) to go with deca?