Question for Ko or anyone else regarding spicing up grain

Hi Ko,

If you are still here, I remember in the past you had a tip for making a spicy type of dressing/mayonnaise that you could put over rice and other kinds of grains.

I’m looking for something I could make on Sundays and then store in the fridge for the week, something I could put over rice to make it more tasty. Something really SPICY, that might also go well with meat, etc.

Any tips?

You could mix some mayo with chopped chipotle peppers, some lime juice, salt and pepper to taste, and if your diet allows it a little brown sugar(this dressing would probably on cold grains or rice). Chipotle peppers are smoked jalapenos in a red sauce, you can find them in the Mexican section of most supermarkets. I would also add mixture when you are ready to eat the grains, anything with dressing on it for to long gets mushy and tastes like but.
If you want hot grains and rice with spice, try adding the chipotle peppers to the liquid that you cook your rice and grains in. One last thing,if your diet alows salt, add a judis ous amount to the water you cook you rice and grains, they will taste like a whole new food. sorry so long, hope that helped.
-stomp 442

I would make my own mayonaise out of olive oil, and then you can add to that just about anything you want. Chris’ idea is a good one, just be careful with the chipolte as they are very spicy. Another thing you could do is mix in some cajun spic, or curry paste. Hope that helps.

Thanks guys for the tips. I look forward to trying these ideas out.

Ko, how do you make mayonnaise out of olive oil?

The standard recipe for for mayo is 1 egg yolk to 1 cup olive oil and a dash of acid which i usually lemon juice. Seperate the egg yolk from the albumen and place it in a blender or food processor. Add the acid, and turn it on, slowly incorporate the olive oil and you will end up with mayo. You can also flavor it with any seasonings or spices that you want, but fresh herb mayos taste the best.

A touch of dijon mustard helps stabilize the emulsion. And be careful with the acid, olive oil has a high acid content, and can be very unstable in emulsions.

For that matter any fine ground herb, or other emuslifying agent can be added to the lecithen in the egg yolk to stabelize the emulsion. And the acid also plays a very important part acting as the coninuous phase for the emulsion. The oil acts as the disconitnuous phase, all 3 of which produce the permanent emulsion which in this case is the mayo. As far as the olive oil being unstable in emmulsions, I’ve never had a problem with that.

I’ve had many interns try to make aiolis who are not used to making them with canola or an olive oil blend, and when they use extra virgin (this could also be depenent on the particular brand or the fact that they are interns), they end up taking it to far (to thick) and have it break on them.

That happens a lot, you are well aware of how delicate any emmulsion sauce is. There are a lot of chefs that have sauces break down on them, let alone interns or those with limited experience making sacues. Which is one of the biggest reasons why experienced saute chefs are so valuable, the ability to make any and all sauce consistant either in bulk or al a minute isn’t something that all chefs have.

Ko, what source are you using for your oil acidity information? Just curious, the info I have says strong olive oil has max 3.3% acidity, and extra virgin has max 1.0% olive oil. Which would go back to what we mentioned earlier about the additional amount of acid necessary for emmulsions. Also it varies depending on place of pressing and their guidelines for classification. Is this similiar to what you have???

I am assuming to use a raw egg?

What do you guys say to safety warnings about raw eggs then?

Thanks much for the tips guys, this is going to rock. Next trip to the store and I’ll get the stuff.

The chances of an egg being internally cotaminated are 1 in 10,000 commercial eggs(Journal of Food Potection 59(1):121-126,1996). And this is usually caused by a hen with infecte ovaries. The way salmonella is most likely to occur is through external contamination and then passing through the porus shell. The biggest draw back to consuming raw eggs is with the albumen and the biotin, in which case the avidin in the egg white binds to the biotin and it cant be absorbed in the small intestine. You avoid that problem by cooking the albumen to denature the enzyme avidin.

I’ve been thinking about making my own mayo, and I have a recipe that calls for olive oil and salad oil mixed with a raw egg, lemon juice and dijon mustard. Question: Have you ever tried mixing flax oil or Udo’s blend with the olive oil? I’ve been dying to try this.

Hey, trialdog, I’m going to try to answer your question, cuz Ko’s at work and it’ll be awhile before he can post.

I don't believe he's tried using Udo's or even flaxseed. The "oil of choice" in our home is indeed Extra Virgin Olive Oil. We do have flax -seeds. But no flaxseed oil. I think he wants to experiment to see what happens, though. I'm sure he'll update y'all here as to what happens.

I don’t have the information, It is from personal experience, and “what chef said”. i have never actually gone back and researched it. When I was a pantry cook, i had no problem making mayos, never had them break, except this one time when chef had me make a garlic aioli and we were out of canola blend. I had to use extra virgin and the damn thing kept breaking on me.That is when I was told that it was due to the acidity of the olive oil. I guess I will have to do some research to see what I can find. I’ll let you know.

Flax oil may work, but I have never tried it. It is also fairly expensive so it would not be very cost effective. Also the flavor may not be what you are looking for.

In the restaurant I use pasteurized eggs, but in at home I use regular eggs. I think that salmonella in eggs has been blown out of proportion. Unless you are elderly, small child, or have a compromised immune system, I would not worry about it. Just make sure to the freshest eggs possible.

Hey guys,

Okay, feedback so far is that I got a couple of spice blends, one is curry and one is cajun. They are both excellent in grain, but the cajun one especially FREAKIN ROCKS. Not only do the spices taste good but I can tell for a fact that they have some psychological benefits. I did some research that said alot of the cajun spices were good for digestion as well.

Regarding the mayo, is there anything I can add to the 1 cup oil, 1 egg yolk, with a touch of dijon mustard, to make it alot thicker? It tasted really good but was pretty runny. Or did I do it wrong?

I’m trying to create some kind of thick mayo that I can throw into a sandwich or wrap.
The runny mayo is perfect for grains but now I’m looking for something thick that won’t drip. I thought about using corn starch but thought maybe you guys knew of a healthier alternative thickener.

Thanks guys, MUCH obliged.

The more oil you incorporate, the thicker it will become. Just be careful not to take it too far, or it will separate on you.

Okay thanks ko.

What about 1 egg yolk + 1 cup ALMOND OIL + (how much?) mustard = ???

So, will almond oil work? (I love the taste of that stuff compared to other oils)

how much mustard is used for the homemade mayo?

thanks fellas, keep them recipe’s coming as Im a homecooker myself,

boxer Al