Hi John. question for you about your insulin interview. In the interview you said “Again, I like to spike insulin 2-3 times per day. Remember, though, that my clients are super insulin sensitive due to the training, diet, and supplementation programs I have them following. So they can handle the insulin surges and can actually grow and get lean at the same time” and you also said “with increased insulin sensitivity, you might gain 1lb of muscle for every 1lb of fat or even better, 2 lbs of muscle for every 1lb of fat.” Now the last one sounds realistic but the gaining muscle and losing fat one sounds kind of hard to believe. So I guess my question for you is wich one of these statments is more realistic? Thank’s for your time.
You are right that it is hard to grow and get lean at the same time. I think it is possible but it requires some special manipulations and a high degree of individualization. And even then it doesnt always work. The bottom line is that you shouldnt confuse the two statements and blend them into 1 thought as you did above. Eating to gain 1-2lb of muscle for every 1lb of fat is different than trying to eat to gain muscle and lose fat. The eating requirements are different.