Question for J.Berardi- Juices

I know you list Apples and Oranges as good carb sources for the Massive Eating plan, but what about the juices? Would they be good as well? Also, I like to eat cold cereal in the morning and you list all-bran cereals. Are there any other cold cereals that would be OK?

I am not John, but I think I can answer this one. Juices are not nearly as good as fruits. Fruits have added fiber and other nutrients. Juices would probably have a much higher insulin index. As for cereal I think John also said muesli, which is a blend of oats, barley, rye, and fruit if I am correct.

Thanks Cougar! I couldnt have done better myself…

Look for a dry ceral called Kashi Go Lean. It’s a mix of many whole grains. I find it at Food Lion. I think this might fit the bill. - Nylo

Captain Crunch, Froot Loops, Frosted Fuck Flakes…Nah, my least favorite but most fiber filled is Fiber 1, sure i’ts basically gerbal pellets but hey it’s got a shitload of fiber.