My systolic blood pressure(pressure on the walls of the arteries when the heart beats the blood through) was quite high at 167 but my diastolic pressure (pressure on the walls of the arteries inbetween the heart beats or when the heart is relaxed) was fairly low at like 69, and my heart rate is at 57. This seems weird to me in a way but also kind of makes sense. The systolic blood pressure(167) I would think that should be high since my heart rate is so low then that should mean my heart can pump high volumes of blood at once only having to pump a few times. The high volume of blood would put alot of pressure on the walls of my arteries, right? Now my diastolic blood pressure (69) would seem like it should be low like it is since my heart only has to pump very few times. This would mean inbetween the heart beats the walls of my arteries’ pressure would be very low because it will be a while till my next heart beat and that would mean it will be a while to there is any volumes of blood to be pushed against the walls of my arteries. Does any of this make since or is my heart pressure just all whacked up?
Mine is the same way. I tested it last weekend numerous times. My highest systolic was 155 with the average being 133. 133 isnt terrible but it puts me in the at risk range. My diastolic was really low. Much similar to yours. It was in the 60’s and 70’s every time I measured it. I should also mention that my blood pressure has always been like this, ever since i was getting physicals for high school football.
The spread between you’re Systolic and Diastolic is pretty large. The bigger it is the greater the risk of problems such as stroke.
Normal blood pressure are in range of 120/80. This can obviously vary alot in individuals above and below this value, but above 160 is normally diagnosed as Hypertension. But as you say your diastolic is normal/low. So this would be called Isolated Systolic Hypertension.
A high systolic and low diastolic pressure can be caused by stiffened aorta but this is normally only a problem in the elderly.
Also you haven’t said how old you are or your training history, drug use or ethnicity. These can all effect you’re blood pressure or risk of developing related problems.
Also how did you measure your blood pressure? It could just be measurement inaccuracies.
I would definitely seek professional advice. You may not have problem at all but even if you do blood pressure is very controllable these days.
I have been lifting wheight for 10 years, and I also have a high bloodpressure 165/80 (28 years old). Many of my friend at the gym also have a high bloodpreassure. Maybe that’s just the way nature is - strenght training increase muscle size, and also the heart grow bigger and stronger?
I have the same thing…high systolic…normal-low diastolic. The high systolic is under control with drugs but there is still a big gap between the two readings…my diastolic went down with the drugs too.
Im 24 and had it since I was 20. My cardiologist told me I have thickened ventricular walls from weightlifting and if I stopped and just did cardio…in time my bp would be normal. I obviously never even gave that a thought. So, maybe it is a weightlifting related condition…I have no other reason for it.
The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure is called the “pulse pressure”.
A person with a blood pressure reading of 120/80 has a pulse pressure of 40. If your pulse pressure is 60 or greater you could be at a high risk of artherosclerosis depending upon your age.
Blood Pressure is serious. There is much talk about Cholesterol levels, but from what I have read keeping your blood pressure at a reasonable level is far more important to long term health than cholesterol!
mikeynorth…you’re absolutely incorrect! While strength training does result in cardiac hypertrophy due to increased afterload, this is a COMPENSATORY mechanism in order to maintain blood pressure and heart rate. So if your blood pressure increases (be it systolic or diastolic or both), or heart rate increases (as is the case with myself…84 to 100 bpm …which is extremely high for someone with my athletic background especially since my blood pressure is 110/70), alarms should ring.
All those who have seen either of these cardiac “myopathies” or “irregularities”, get yourself checked out. Ask for an ECG, or an ultrasound at the very least. You may also want to get your thyroid hormone levels checked (hyperthyroid hormones drastically increases basal metabolism, and can result in increased heart rates or blood pressures as a result).
r100proof…I’m surprised your cardiologist told you that doing cardio will reverse the left ventricular hypertrophy. I’m surprised because this is false for 2 reasons.
Cardio also increases left ventricular hypertrophy. Cardio increases both pre- and afterload, and hypertrophy ensues (it is absolutely necessary…or your bp will sky rocket).
While the hypertrophy that ensues as the result of cardio is reversible (months to years after ceasing intense activity such as marathon training), hypertrophy that results from bodybuilding is almost completely irreversible.