Hey all, im deadlifting 435lbs right now but my goal is 495-500. I am lost in what to do now. I got it this high by mainly deadlifting once a week on saturdays. I never had a set program or anyhitng, i just go in and deadlift and do back work. Yesterday i did 3 sets of 3 (365, 385, 405).
But now I want to start a set program and see how high i can get it. I am currently 6’2-6’2 238lbs.(This picture is old). Thank you.
Hey Mike… Do you know what part of the deadlift you are weakest at?(getting out of the hole, midway, or at lockout) If you know, then I would suggest improving that part of the lift. You could do this by using pins in the power rack. Besides that I would just deadlfit twice a week, one day working up to heavy singles and the other day working on speed and form. Hope this helps. Keep us posted.
I got up to 475 with heavy singles twice a week, then at a BW of 235 I blasted through that with a few weeks of repetition work at about 405-425. During those few weeks I never went past 425 and always did like 8 reps per set.
Then one day I just went in and BAM 500! It was awesome, I was practically high fiving myself. Haven’t tried to hit it since, lol. I will though, and I plan to hit 550.
What are you currently doing to train your hamstrings? You don’t necessarily need to train the deadlift every week to make progress in it. One option would be to do heavy leg work every week and as part of that deadlift once a month to measure your progress. If Saturday is the day you want to go heavy, rotate each week a different one of the following: Back/Box Squat, Good Mornings, Rack Pulls. Add pull throughs and stiff leg deadlifts (dumbbell or barbell) for extra hamstring work each week after your heavy set.
You don’t need to be doing any complex deadlift specialization exercises at this point, keep things fresh and mix it up every 3 or so weeks. Increase you deadlift by pulling and pulling often. No need to over complicate things.
Thereare a ton of articles online that will give you a plan to increase your deadlift. Periodization has been my best friend in making gains on my pulls over the years. One thing I can tell you is 3 sets a week just isn’t enough. If Saturday is pull day then make it your core exercise and really work it. What I mean by that is warm up with light weight but treat it like it’s heavy weight. Use perfect form everytime. I’ve trained with and around a few of the strongest pullers in the North East and interestingly enough they’re all doing the same type of simple yet brutal training.
I don’t come on this site much anymore but feel free to email me what you’re doing and I’ll help you. Also, where in Ohio are you, I go to the Cinci area often on business. At your size a 600lb pull should be within your reach if you’ve got a healthy posterior chain. My email is heybatista@gmail.com if you want to correspond on this.
I do belive in periodization as well. Surprising enough only 1 heavy working set works best for my gains. Really the only time I do more than 1 working set is early in the training cycleI also never do more than 5 reps if I am training for strength, which is always what I am doing in the deadlift. I may do 5 or more sets on deadlift day. I deadlift every other saturday and squat every tuesday. Both to to build my dead. As was mentioned earlier, you are only as strong as your weakest portion of the lift.
So I would figure out what that is and fix it. It took me 4 attempts to finally pull my first 600 at a meet.I swear I was about ready to just bag it. The problem was I wasnt training my weakness, just my strengths harder thinking it would come around. Turns out my hamstrings were the culprit and once they caught up to my back strength, everything clicked.If you ever want to talk training feel free to pm me.