Hi guys,
I’ve got a question here. We all remember my experience with the three week cycle of test phenylprop/masteron some time ago. To recap, within one week, I had gyno symptoms and major issues with the quad/heartrate/bp etc.
Now, it was a pretty high dose for me in retrospect,(1200+mg/week). It's now been some time since, and I have thought and rethought the cycle over and over many times. I never got rid of the remaining vial of the special elixr from that experience. I now have an idea that may be worth exploring.
I'm thinking of giving it a go again, albeit with some major changes as far as preventive measures and dosing protocol. Here's what I've thought would be doable:
Drop the dose dramatically and avoid the weekends when people are around and it’s next to impossible to sneak in an injec.
Monday and Wednesday-one shot .5ml each of the elixir.
Friday-one shot of 1ml of the elixir.
New total: 400mg/week. 2ml.
Pain factor: minimized
Frequency: minimized, hopefully the extra day w/out shot is ok.
Adex: .25 ed (Major precautionary measure)
With this idea in mind I could probably easily get two weeks out of the single vial, and more like three. Roughly one third the dose of the previously too potent amount. What do you guys think of this idea? And the other thing is, I'm still not wild about lots of sites, I was good at quads, one glute, and delts were relatively easy.
I do remember though, even when I tried a smaller amount of volume, I still had a decent deal of pain for some reason. At any rate, my current 12 weeker is sort of delayed for financial and other reasons, and since I still have this high quality mixture of compounds I was thinking maybe I could do something like this.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated of course. I am a little apprehensive about using the same mix that KO'd my ass previously, but the dosage is so much smaller, and I have the adex, and it's still debatably enough to make some decent gains I would think, especially since I was so receptive to it's effects earlier.
Please let me know what you guys think about my new found courage to explore this once again, lol..