When it comes to producing a high level of strength, I see four main applications:
MUSCLE STRENGTH: the amount of force that a specific muscle can produce; this is highly correlated with the muscle’s cross-section (muscle mass or volume)
MOVEMENT STRENGTH: the capacity to lift a lot of weight going from point A to point B in a specific movement pattern. This is dependent on the coordination between the muscles involved in the movement and the individual strength of the muscles as well as technical efficiency.
POSITIONAL STRENGTH: the capacity to maintain a certain posture under load. For example, a powerlifter might be able to deadlift 700lbs but even with 400 he loses his lower back arch. He has a high level of movement strength but relatively poor positional strength.
EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH: the capacity to perform a high speed, explosive motion under a significant load.
The layer approach can be very effective to develop all of these:
LAYER 1. Movement strength
LAYER 2. Positional strength
LAYER 3. Explosive strength
LAYER 4. Muscle strength
Let’s use those 4 exercises for the sake of comprehension: Front squat, push press, deadlift, snatch-grip high pull from hang… obviously other movements can be used, but this is just to explain the concept.
Movement strength: ramping to a 2 or 1 RM
Positional strength: double pause front squat (bottom and mid-range for 2 seconds) focusing on perfectly upright torso and chest high, 3-4 sets of 3 reps
Explosive strength: Jump squat (bar like a back squat) 4-5 set of 3 reps with 30% of max front squat
Muscle strength: bottom half front squats pump reps (only going from the bottom position to the half squat, then back down… fast up, slow down) for 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Movement strength: ramping to 2 or 1 RM
Positional strength: double pause push press (pause at the bottom of the “dip” and with the barbell overhead, behind the ears, chest and head pushed forward, for 2 seconds) 3-4 sets of 3 reps
Explosive strength: Medicine ball throw overhead 4-5 sets of 3 reps using a push press motion
Muscle strength: top half military press pump reps (only doing the movement from the top of the head to the lockout behind the ears, slow down, fast up) 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Movement strength: ramping to 2 or 1 RM
Positional strength: double pause deadlift (2" from floor, just above knees focusing on maintaining an arched lower back and the chest up, for 2 seconds) 3-4 sets of 3 reps
Explosive strength: Power clean from the hang 4-5 sets of 3 reps
Muscle strength: bottom-half deadlift pump reps (only going from floor to knees, fast up slow down) 3x 8-10 reps
SGHP from hang
Movement strength: ramping to 2 or 1 RM
Positional strength: double pause pull (in the hip crease, then at the knee, chest up, lats contracted, for 2 seconds) 3-4 sets of 3 reps
Explosive strength: Snatch-grip jump from the hang position with 50% of max high pull 4-5 sets of 3 reps
Muscle strength: Bottom-half romanian deadlift pump reps (from the lowest position you can take to the position where your torso is about 45 degrees) for 3 sets of 8-10 reps