Quad IM needle size

Been on trt since September 24. Was atarted on 1ml 100mg/1ml bi-weekly. I did get it switched to .5ml weekely. I do the .5 in quad with 25g/1-in. I’m about to order new needles and wanted to see if others were using different :syringe: sizes. Thanks!

Usually for quad i go 27ga x 1/2"
I’ve done 25ga but 27 is much better. With 27 though you may want to draw with a larger needle and pin with the 27.
If you have fat on the legs anf need to go deeper you can get 27 x 1.25" I haven’t seen 27x1"


honestly im jealous of people that can pin quads.

I’d rather take a punch from Mike Tyson than pin quads again. Worst PIP I’ve ever had.

Yea, 27ga 1/2" is what I use. From what I hear, longer needles are supposed to reduce PIP, but im not exactly in love with needles so I’d rather just take the pip.


I use 29g 1/2" for glutes. I don’t have much fat around that area and if some of the solution gets in the subcutaneous area, so be it. It’ll be absorbed a few hours later. Depending on what I’m injecting, 90% of the time I have no pip.

I use 31g 1/2" insulin needle for quads. Almost zero pain. I have very little fat on my quads - inject high on the vastus lateralis. Draw with a 21 g. When I first got Rx, the needles that came with my T were 1" 21g and I couldn’t figure out why it hurt so badly lol.

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Damn bro those are harpoons. I still like the 23ga for glutes, which is what use. Some consider those a little big, but they never bothered my big ass (pun intended). I’m with @Andrewgen_Receptors quads can be painful but I did it for years. Always used 25ga 5/8" for those.