Hello, I was just wondering if there was a decent Surge alternative for under $40.00 (Surge + shipping is 40 bucks). If there isn’t I guess thats okay I only workout 3 days a week usually so it can last me an entire month and 40 bucks a month isn’t too bad. But if there is something else out there that actually works please let me know. Thanks
anybody want to help out or is this a rediculous question
I am actually interested in this also seeing as how I will be ordering some of this and I workout 5-6 times a week depending if I can get them in and I dont think this would last me very long.
Surge already has most of the things I’m about to list, but if you want to put it together yourself then here’s what I would consider a basic PWO drink.
I would have a fast carb source, be it dextrose/maltodextrine waxy maize starch barley starch, whatever you find to be the cheapest most cost effective product for you.
I would have a BCAA source, and that limits it to pretty much well, BCAAs. Caps, or powder, and however much you can afford. I’d say 10+ grams at least or else save your money. Really for a 200 lb guy I would say 20-30 grams.
Then a fast acting protein source. Simple whey Concentrate is ok, but you can do better then that. An isolate would be preferable, if you try to mimic Surge and get a hyrdolyzed whey you better be ready to gag. I’d rather pay the extra money for Biotest’s wizards to mask that taste then try to use it on my own. Something like an ion exchange whey would be basically tasteless and fast acting enough.
Then a creatine source really that’s it. CEE, monohydrate, whatever.
Whatever combination of those things you put together would be effective and be about 95% or better of any PWO shake you will find on the market.
Guys, $40 a month is two bi-weekly trips to the sperm bank. Come on!
Whey protein and gatorade powder.
When I was behind on my bills I used a half bottle of IsoPure that I got from my brother and Powerade that I got from our schools cafeteria. Mixed with 15g of BCAA’s.
Definitely did not work nearly as well as Surge.
[quote]T-man21 wrote:
Hello, I was just wondering if there was a decent Surge alternative for under $40.00 (Surge + shipping is 40 bucks). If there isn’t I guess thats okay I only workout 3 days a week usually so it can last me an entire month and 40 bucks a month isn’t too bad. But if there is something else out there that actually works please let me know. Thanks[/quote]
not even close. there is almost no way to replicate the benefits of Surge at a lower cost. i have sought out US manufacturers and it is impossible to get a price below what you would here. the only possible tweak i see is peptopro instead of the whey hydrolysate and perhaps rilose and a tad of palatinose or trehalose subbed for the dextrose and maltodextrin. and that price is like 3 times Surge with perhaps an extra 5-10% benefit tops.
if you are not doing a low carb diet then you want whey isolate/glutamine/glycine post workout drink, otherwise it impossible to replicate the benfits of Surge.
I think you mean if you ARE on a low carb diet, THEN it is preferable to have a PWO drink of whey/glutamine/glycine. At least, that’s what Thibs has recommended in his article.
Still, I don’t think Surge hurts you AT ALL if you are even low carbing it. If that’s the optimal time to ingest carbs - PWO - then why even cut them out of a drink like Surge? It won’t hurt fat loss in my opinion, but I’d like to hear what others think.
Order more than one container at a time…you don’t have to pay separate shipping on each one.
Having a serving of Surge PWO will not hurt fat loss. All of the carbs will be put towards building the muscle. After you workout your body burns fat whether you eat carbs or not (Berardi says). The Velocity Diet (an extreme low carb diet) uses a serving of Surge after a workout and it has the best fat loss of any diet.
[quote]tykraus7 wrote:
Having a serving of Surge PWO will not hurt fat loss. All of the carbs will be put towards building the muscle. After you workout your body burns fat whether you eat carbs or not (Berardi says). The Velocity Diet (an extreme low carb diet) uses a serving of Surge after a workout and it has the best fat loss of any diet.[/quote]
I second that.
In fact, check this out: (The Double Surge Challenge)
Also, you get free FedEx shipping on orders of 150 or more. Best idea is to stock up with a big order, or share an order with a friend.
Surge ROCKS. The original flavor is best in my opinion. I thought the raspberry flavor sucked bigtime though.
[quote]wakiki wrote:
tykraus7 wrote:
Having a serving of Surge PWO will not hurt fat loss. All of the carbs will be put towards building the muscle. After you workout your body burns fat whether you eat carbs or not (Berardi says). The Velocity Diet (an extreme low carb diet) uses a serving of Surge after a workout and it has the best fat loss of any diet.
I second that.
In fact, check this out: (The Double Surge Challenge)
Also, you get free FedEx shipping on orders of 150 or more. Best idea is to stock up with a big order, or share an order with a friend.
Surge ROCKS. The original flavor is best in my opinion. I thought the raspberry flavor sucked bigtime though.[/quote]
He’s right about that.
I’ve asked this question before. Of course I wanted extremely cheap alternatives. If that’s what you’re looking for, here’s the suggestion I received: drink tons of milk, milk plus carnation instant breakfast, milk plus 2 scoops of whey protein. Of course there’s supped up versions, but these are the poor man’s ones.
Why do you people keep recommending milk as an ‘alternative’ to Surge? It’s not even close; Surge has whey hydrolysate which aborbs MUCH faster than the whey/casein in milk, not to mention the fast acting carbs in Surge, all of which are meant to spike insulin and rush nutrients into muscle. Milk will not spike insulin the same way.
Why come out with such a solid product if they know everyone can just drink milk instead? It’s not the same. Plus, Surge has 5g BCAA per serving.
Stop being cheap. And I try to order for 2 months worth so it can add up but I always get free shipping.
I try not to be cheap but I am a poor college student. I hear Chocolate milk +BCAA is the closest alternative.
Hydrolyzed whey, maltodextrin, and dextrose. And a little BCAAs from BCAA powder. Be prepared for it to taste bad and be annoying to mix. But if you are really strapped for cash, it may be worth it. There are certainly cheaper alternatives, like those already mentioned. But none are as good as this.
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
I try not to be cheap but I am a poor college student. I hear Chocolate milk +BCAA is the closest alternative.[/quote]
Not even close. Really a cheap carb source(50-100g)+ a “fast” protein(40-60 g) is about as cheap and cost effective as you’ll get. If you’ve got extra cash toss some BCAAs in there and some creatine. That’s about it.
Forget the BCAA’s. Do you really think a few grams of something is going to make a huge difference anyway? BCAA’s cost a bunch.
If you’re a poor college student, then you need to be nailing the basics, and thats food.
I’ve got my diet down pat feel free to visit my thread. I have BCAAs (hooray for Christmas Gifts) I was just stating what I heard in relation to a Surge alternative, and when I finished with what I am currently doing I’m gonna give chocolate milk a go.
Your best bet is to buy a tub of Grow! Whey from here, BCAA powder (I hear ICE powder is pretty good) and some glutamine + glycine. That’s your second best choice after Surge, though I beg you to do the math for shits and giggles and find that the cost per serving is either the same or more than Surge.
We’re talking economies of scale here, so no individual can compete with mass production.
I’m in college, too, and can barely work with a full time load. But somehow I manage…good luck man. Buy lots of food instead, if you ask me.