Pussy-itis, Do You Have It?

-When I finish my heaviest set, I am out of breath.

When you finish your set, you:
a) Feel refreshed.
b) Feel giddy.
c) Feel like turning to the next page of that really good book.
d) Call that girl from last night and use the bench as a phone booth.

-When I lift, I am training far outside of my comfort zone and have to really push to get that last rep.

When you lift, you:
a) Wonder whether that girl on the exercise bike thinks one 25lbs plate on each side looks really sexy.
b) See someone bigger than you, mutter, “steroids” and then finish up with 50 reps of nothing but the bar.
c) Pull your Affliction T-shirt up to your chin 40 times an hour so that you, the people standing next you and that partially cute girl at the front counter can check out your amazing abs of steal that you have masterfully attached to your 156lbs physique.
d) Stop in between each set to shadow box 6 inches in front of the mirror and 1 inch in front of the dumbbell rack.

I am just trying to figure out where everyone stands.

Could someone let me know if sweat is out of style now? I hate being out of fashion at the gym.

Good post. It amazes me how many people in my gym sail through sets without breaking a sweat, or putting any kind of real effort into the lift. These are the guys that do the same weights month after month, year after year, with no noticeable sign of progress.

[quote]forlife wrote:
Good post. It amazes me how many people in my gym sail through sets without breaking a sweat, or putting any kind of real effort into the lift. These are the guys that do the same weights month after month, year after year, with no noticeable sign of progress.[/quote]

…or they are the ones claiming they only gained 10lbs in 7 months yet they are now concerned with their “fat gain” and need to diet.

Haha! I see people that fit all of these answers. It’s become very apparent to me that many people don’t get that it’s supposed to be difficult. These are the same people you see year after year never adding any weight to the bar or making any noticeable physique changes.

That’s why I lift at home, X.
Good post.

Haha I like it Prof.

I admit sometimes I feel out of place when I come to between sets and realize I have totally forgotten there are people around me and a few are usually giving me strange looks.

Maybe part of it is because I’m a younger guy at my gym and out of the dozens of guys there everytime I’m lifitng I can easily count on 1 hand the number of guys (I’ve ever seen there) who are as intense or who use the same/more weight as me.

It doesn’t bother me though. I kinda like it to be honest. When you stick to it and bust your balls routinely that’s what separates you from those guys.

Sweat is definitely out of style man. I wish I could follow all these new trends but until I can I will continue to carry my towel with me to wipe my face off after every set and keep making solid gains. My cell phone STAYS in my car when I am at the gym, if someone has an emergency they know where I am at for 3hrs everyday, they can call the front desk.

one of the flaws of me lifting at the college rec center, but dammit it doesnt cost me extra. i see people that match all of those criteria daily. i plan on buying a shirt that says… shut the fuck up and train

[quote]Professor X wrote:
-d) Stop in between each set to shadow box 6 inches in front of the mirror and 1 inch in front of the dumbbell rack.[/quote]

Seriously what is the deal with this. I have seen a half a dozen people in my gym do this. I have to say I go to a 24 Hour Fitness, but only one guy there actually looks like he boxes the others are just clowns from high school, I guess not knowing any better but seriously come on.

Sweating is never out of style X. Long live heavy Kroc Rows and squats 'til you almost pass out. But please wipe that shit up after you’re done using the equipment.

Eh - I don’t give a shit what anyone else does - I’m only concerned with what I do.

There’s a never-ending shortage of these types of pussies at any commercial gym you train at. Plus other assorted social weirdos and straight up crack-pots…

I gotta say, that having a home gym is just the best - never having to see idiots like that again is priceless…

Prof X I CANNOT stand some of what you said, it’s so true. There are usually a few kids a week at my gym who are skinny as hell and after every few sets look into the mirror, grab the bottom of their shirt, and wipe off their face. Then they do a double take at their “abs”, just makes me angry.

I will admit that if I am doing DB curls or something I will check out my pump in the mirror but some people just take it way too far.

My friend got a free iphone at the gym. yet another reason to leave that shit at home.

My weight routine takes about 30 mins. I never really sweat though unless I’m going Giant sets or perhaps just supersets.

I feel like I had a workout though after 30 mins of weights.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
-When I finish my heaviest set, I am out of breath.

Not so much on my upperboby lifts, but but I get som WTF-type stares when I can barely walk to a bench to catch my breath after leg work.

Ugh. I hate “the shadow boxer”.

[quote]forlife wrote:
Good post. It amazes me how many people in my gym sail through sets without breaking a sweat, or putting any kind of real effort into the lift. These are the guys that do the same weights month after month, year after year, with no noticeable sign of progress.[/quote]


There is one guy in particular at my gym who checks nearly all those boxes. He looks and lifts exactly what and how he looked when I started at this gym a couple years back. I’ve never seen him sweating either.

I’ve heard him talk about getting some “juice” because he isn’t growing. shrug

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
Prof X I CANNOT stand some of what you said, it’s so true. There are usually a few kids a week at my gym who are skinny as hell and after every few sets look into the mirror, grab the bottom of their shirt, and wipe off their face. Then they do a double take at their “abs”, just makes me angry.

I will admit that if I am doing DB curls or something I will check out my pump in the mirror but some people just take it way too far.[/quote]

I’ve seen one guy for two weeks come into the gym and do nothing but several sets of hanging leg raises (making sure to use the lat pull up grips in the middle of the gym so he can be seen better) and then run up to the mirror 30 feet away after each set to raise his shirt up. After about 5 sets of “leg raise mirror runs”, he just leaves.

First, why wear a full t-shirt in the first place if that is the goal and second, these are the same people calling bodybuilders narcissistic?

A couple of weeks ago a young (college) guy came up to me and just asked “Don’t you sweat?”

After my blank stare he rephrased, asking why I wore a long sleeve shirt in the gym because wouldn’t I sweat alot. He went on to comment he had seen some of the big guys do it as well. He shrugged and went back to watch the TV.

I was on the warm-up sets of my first exercise. Much later he would not have had to ask.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
-When I finish my heaviest set, I am out of breath.


Always. My favorite people in my ‘gym’ are the ones that ask me why I never do any cardio as I’m huffing and puffing 10 times harder than they are after spending an hour on their lay-down bike thing.

Good post !

When I push 250lbs on a bench or squat 450lbs, I did not have time to think about the grocery or about the chick that does leg press with her cellphone in hands.

Sometimes I do feel as an alien, all sweaty, with a red face with difficulties to walk and having hard time to hang the easy bar at the cable cause my shoulders are doomed and I can’t hold my arms too high…

There a new bunch of skinny guys at the gym (I call them the platinum blonde team - the older guy like me will understand) they were amazed to look at me when I was doing shruggs with 220lbs dumbbells, cheez I realized I had all of them in my hands…

Anyway, my point with these guys is that they surf the gym, chitchat, use the equipment (that I am ainting for…), do half rep with heavy weights. And then in few months, they’ll leave the gym saying, exercice is a piece of crap because they won’t get any results. And then, they’ll think about taking steroids…