Push/Pull/Legs. How Does This Look?

Hey everyone … took this week off went camping on mon,tues,wed…fun stuff but diet sucked haha…looking to start this program on monday … some background info i’ve been training for 2.5 years 5’9 205lbs. not sure of bf %…my diet is in check but ive been having trouble finding good routines …i’m bored of the traditional splits training a bodypart every 6 days or whatever… im looking to focus on back width/thickness and upper pecs …well anyway here is the program sorry for the long post

Push A/B
Incline DB/Flat DB
Arnold Press/BB or DB shoulder press
CGBP/Weighted DIps
Lateral Raises/Rear Delt exercise
Incline Fly/Incline Fly

Pull A/B
Weighted Chins/Widegrip Pullups
BB Row/DB Row
Lat Pulls/CG Pull Downs
Seated Cable Rows/T-bar rows
BB Curl/Incline Curl

Legs A/B
SLDL/Front Squat (light)
Leg Curls/Lunges
Calf Raises/Donkey Calf Raises

Day 1:push A
Day 2:pull A
Day 3: OFF
Day 4:Legs A
Day 5:OFF
Day 6:push B
Day 7:pull B
Day 8:OFF
Day 9:Legs B
Day 10: OFF
Day 11: repeat cycle

Looks pretty solid. The only thing I have to add is maybe sub the DB Bench for Incline BB Bench. That way you get more upper chest work. What rep ranges are you using?

Looks alright, I personally would place legs before either my push or pull days. It triggers GH and test!

[quote]Chi-Towns-Finest wrote:
Looks alright, I personally would place legs before either my push or pull days. It triggers GH and test![/quote]

lol wut???

the amounts of test/gh triggered are negligible.

at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter which day comes first or last. in fact, his set-up makes sense, because if you’re doing all leg work in one day, you want to rest the days before& after.

Eh, Personally I’d set it up like this: push-legs-pull. I don’t believe punishing your upper body in consequent days is a good way to go. Neither I like the idea placing pull before legs, as your back muscles play a large role while squatting or deadlifting. öööö… :S