Hey everyone … took this week off went camping on mon,tues,wed…fun stuff but diet sucked haha…looking to start this program on monday … some background info i’ve been training for 2.5 years 5’9 205lbs. not sure of bf %…my diet is in check but ive been having trouble finding good routines …i’m bored of the traditional splits training a bodypart every 6 days or whatever… im looking to focus on back width/thickness and upper pecs …well anyway here is the program sorry for the long post
Push A/B
Incline DB/Flat DB
Arnold Press/BB or DB shoulder press
CGBP/Weighted DIps
Lateral Raises/Rear Delt exercise
Incline Fly/Incline Fly
Pull A/B
Weighted Chins/Widegrip Pullups
BB Row/DB Row
Lat Pulls/CG Pull Downs
Seated Cable Rows/T-bar rows
BB Curl/Incline Curl
Legs A/B
SLDL/Front Squat (light)
Leg Curls/Lunges
Calf Raises/Donkey Calf Raises
Day 1:push A
Day 2:pull A
Day 3: OFF
Day 4:Legs A
Day 5:OFF
Day 6:push B
Day 7:pull B
Day 8:OFF
Day 9:Legs B
Day 10: OFF
Day 11: repeat cycle