[quote]LondonBoxer123 wrote:
Couldn’t agree more. Most of the punches in my arsenal areones that are far from textbook, and are often actively discouraged by trainers. For example, as an orthodox fighter, the right hook is supposed to be off limits. After my jab, it is probably the most consistently effective punch I have, and has done a lot of damage over the years.
I agree on the 1-2-3, I can’t remember the last time I threw it in sparring or competition. My most natural combo is jab right uppercut to the body, short right hook over the top. With effective footwork, this combination has been a fixture in my style for a long time. I would throw in the left shovel hook on the end of this combo if the opportunity presented itself. I like the straight 1-2, but I rarely throw both punches at the same target.
I either vary my aim subtly, so jab higher than usual to the forehead, followed by straight right to the throat, or more usually, I’ll lead to the body with a jab and come over the top with the right, or invert it and lead with a right to the head, bend low as if to hit to the body with the left, and corkscrew up to the head with a straight left from low between the guard.
I also never got doubling up on the straight right. It always struck me as a stupid combo. It is the ounch that has to travel the longest distance, and requires the most set up to land effectively. Why double it, even when you have stunned a guy with the first one, chances are he can avoid the second. I know when it’s happened to me I’ve always got out of trouble and thanked fuck for the fact that the guy didn’t hit me with a hook, or even a left straight/jab.
I agree completely on the usefulness of the lead hook. One of my favorite punches. Also, doubling up on the jab, which gets theguard up, so you can step off unnoticed and land a long hook, is a favorite point scorer.
My biggest beef with conventional boxing training is that so little emphasis is put on developing the jab as an offensive weapon. An elite level jab can be used to hurt your opponent, time and again, and more than any other punch can throw them off your game. Think about how often you have been in the ring with someone and thought, doesn’t matter if i take the jab, as long as i dont get hit by his … Fuck that. You’re opponent should be thinking at all times ‘I’m fucked if I’m taking another one of those jabs, I’ve got to get my head out of the way, then I’ll deal with the other stuff’. If your opponent is thinking that, he is already distracted from your power shots, giving you more opportunity to land them.[/quote]
Good post.
I agree on the 1-2-3. I’m not sure if it’s because my arms are short or what, but I have to take a big step to actually land a 3 after the 2 lands. I’m still not used to it… it took me a long time to figure out that I simply cannot throw that combo and actually hit the bag without moving my feet.
Like you, London, I’ve also taken to throwing the shovel hook body instead of the 3 after a straight left. I’m still working on coming up on the 3 with power afterwards, but I agree that that’s my natural inclination and, in my opinion, a far more natural move.
I’m pretty orthodox though, even though I’m a lefty, I still tend to work behind the jab a lot - and I’ve got a pretty decent one that I try to use offensively as much as possible. It might be a little easier for me, however, because for the most part I’m a natural righty, so my right is NOT my weak hand.
But the right hook is where I’m getting away from the orthodox style. My first boxing coach tried for a long time to get me to throw it palm-down, and I simply can’t ever pull it off UNLESS I’m throwing a 1-3. Then it works fine. Otherwise, I look terrible with it and never turn my weight into it.
Since I’ve started doing it with a vertical fist - like you’re “holding a cup of coffee” as my other coach says - the hook is coming along much better. It’s like I naturally turn a significantly more amount of weight into that punch if the hand is held in that fashion, so I deal with the fact that I’m terrified of ripping my biceps tendon apart like that hahaha.