Pulling Every Week

Who here deads every week? I’m starting to do every other week after taking the advice given to me in my log. I’m hoping that since I technically pulled 3x a week (deads, snatch,cleans) that I will continue to add weight to my deadlift. My max dead is 355 It’s very light so I don’t know if I will get better results doing it biweekly or weekly

My routine looks like:

ME Bench press
incline db press (these often get skipped)
DB rows

Deads/boxsquats alt each week
good mornings if I have time

RE/DE/special bench press variation
Jerk press
barbell rows

i dead every week and i’ve been puttin about 10lbs on my 5rm every week for the past 3 weeks.

currently at 335x5, but grip is starting to be an issue, might have to get some chalk

[quote]schultzie wrote:
i dead every week and i’ve been puttin about 10lbs on my 5rm every week for the past 3 weeks.

currently at 335x5, but grip is starting to be an issue, might have to get some chalk[/quote]

you try alternating your hands?

chalk it up man lol, hell look at my avatar my entire body is covered in it during competitions lol. Zep, I dead once a week, and assist it with rows, pull-ups, and shrugs. Ive been getting steady gains almost to where I was pre-injury back in Oct. I see your reasoning for cutting down on the deads, but If your gonna do solely powerlifting, maybe try to get a more competition type style regimen?

I don’t. I alternae between periods of squat/dead/squat and dead/squat/dead. In other words, at most I will dead twice in three weeks. Other times its only once every three weeks. Everyone is different of course.
This of course refers to ME lifts. I don’t do anything like speed deads or anything like that.

[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
Who here deads every week? I’m starting to do every other week after taking the advice given to me in my log. I’m hoping that since I technically pulled 3x a week (deads, snatch,cleans) that I will continue to add weight to my deadlift. My max dead is 355 It’s very light so I don’t know if I will get better results doing it biweekly or weekly

My routine looks like:

ME Bench press
incline db press (these often get skipped)
DB rows

Deads/boxsquats alt each week
good mornings if I have time

RE/DE/special bench press variation
Jerk press
barbell rows

Your revised program makes sense to me (apart from the incline DB press, but that is not what you asked). If you stalled with your previous program, you seem to have made a reasonable adjustment, but the results can’t be known in advance. I look forward to seeing how it turns out. Maybe more dedicated glute / hamstring work will be needed.

“Back in the day” I DLed every week, but not with the other pulling that you do. Now, again, I am DLing every week, with power cleans on another day, one of those DL sessions, however, being speed work – something new I am trying (log at http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=2116686).

[quote]Pipes06 wrote:
chalk it up man lol, hell look at my avatar my entire body is covered in it during competitions lol. Zep, I dead once a week, and assist it with rows, pull-ups, and shrugs. Ive been getting steady gains almost to where I was pre-injury back in Oct. I see your reasoning for cutting down on the deads, but If your gonna do solely powerlifting, maybe try to get a more competition type style regimen?[/quote]

I plan on competeing in oly liftting once I move somewhere else. I haven’t found any oly lifting meets near me. Plus I snatch like 110 and clean 185 at 180 so it would be really idiotic to compete in it at this point. I want to compete in both sports at a high level someday.

[quote]1Geech wrote:

Your revised program makes sense to me (apart from the incline DB press, but that is not what you asked). If you stalled with your previous program, you seem to have made a reasonable adjustment, but the results can’t be known in advance. I look forward to seeing how it turns out. Maybe more dedicated glute / hamstring work will be needed.

“Back in the day” I DLed every week, but not with the other pulling that you do. Now, again, I am DLing every week, with power cleans on another day, one of those DL sessions, however, being speed work – something new I am trying (log at http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=2116686).


I do the incline presses because I have weak shoulders and I think it’s the limiting factor in my bench press. Should I drop them from the routine? My oly lifts are the full versions. I really prefer the squat clean over the powerclean. I love box squats so I might add them as speed work at the end of my monday sessions, then DL every week again. Does this sound good?

The structuring of your template looks fine. However, I really think you need to make up your mind as too which sport you would most like to specialize in, although there is carry over from olympic lifting to powerlifting and vice versa I really think you would benefit from sticking to one for awhile until you build up a solid base. Don’t get me wrong, diversification is great, but competing at a high level in two very different strength sports is something many dream of but very few succeed in, and even then they end up choosing one over the other. You simply can’t be the best at both.

For example I think you would benefit more from squatting two times a week, pulling once and benching (variations) twice with some assistance exercises then anything you’re doing right now. That’s just my opinion, but I’ve always found the key to getting stronger is starting off simple and slowly specializing as you become better and better.

I think that is pretty sound advice, also deadlifting a lot dosent necessarily make you a good deadlifter. Clearly doing the lift you want to get stronger in is important, however if I were you id cycle 2-3 weeks of pulling with 2-3 weeks of squatting. Squatting is the key for my deadlift, after a long cycle of front squats and no deadlifting for 3-4 months, I pulled 460 at 165 a while back.

[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
1Geech wrote:

Your revised program makes sense to me (apart from the incline DB press, but that is not what you asked). If you stalled with your previous program, you seem to have made a reasonable adjustment, but the results can’t be known in advance. I look forward to seeing how it turns out. Maybe more dedicated glute / hamstring work will be needed.

“Back in the day” I DLed every week, but not with the other pulling that you do. Now, again, I am DLing every week, with power cleans on another day, one of those DL sessions, however, being speed work – something new I am trying (log at http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=2116686).

I do the incline presses because I have weak shoulders and I think it’s the limiting factor in my bench press. Should I drop them from the routine? My oly lifts are the full versions. I really prefer the squat clean over the powerclean. I love box squats so I might add them as speed work at the end of my monday sessions, then DL every week again. Does this sound good?[/quote]

Zep, it just seems to me that with flat bench and military press you have your chest and shoulders adequately covered. Given your DL interest, by contrast, how is your direct ab work? Good for you with the oly lifts. I don’t know that more and different squat work on Monday is the carryover you are looking for. The program change you describe looks ok for a cycle. I would do the good mornings without fail, and not haphazardly.

[quote]1Geech wrote:
zephead4747 wrote:
1Geech wrote:

Your revised program makes sense to me (apart from the incline DB press, but that is not what you asked). If you stalled with your previous program, you seem to have made a reasonable adjustment, but the results can’t be known in advance. I look forward to seeing how it turns out. Maybe more dedicated glute / hamstring work will be needed.

“Back in the day” I DLed every week, but not with the other pulling that you do. Now, again, I am DLing every week, with power cleans on another day, one of those DL sessions, however, being speed work – something new I am trying (log at http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=2116686).

I do the incline presses because I have weak shoulders and I think it’s the limiting factor in my bench press. Should I drop them from the routine? My oly lifts are the full versions. I really prefer the squat clean over the powerclean. I love box squats so I might add them as speed work at the end of my monday sessions, then DL every week again. Does this sound good?

Zep, it just seems to me that with flat bench and military press you have your chest and shoulders adequately covered. Given your DL interest, by contrast, how is your direct ab work? Good for you with the oly lifts. I don’t know that more and different squat work on Monday is the carryover you are looking for. The program change you describe looks ok for a cycle. I would do the good mornings without fail, and not haphazardly.[/quote]

I’ll ditch them for now then. I don’t do direct ab work, it leaves my abs too sore to do my next session well. Also we have prong things for curl bar attachments on our cable machines, so I can’t do standing cable abs.

[quote]Power GnP wrote:
The structuring of your template looks fine. However, I really think you need to make up your mind as too which sport you would most like to specialize in, although there is carry over from olympic lifting to powerlifting and vice versa I really think you would benefit from sticking to one for awhile until you build up a solid base. Don’t get me wrong, diversification is great, but competing at a high level in two very different strength sports is something many dream of but very few succeed in, and even then they end up choosing one over the other. You simply can’t be the best at both.

For example I think you would benefit more from squatting two times a week, pulling once and benching (variations) twice with some assistance exercises then anything you’re doing right now. That’s just my opinion, but I’ve always found the key to getting stronger is starting off simple and slowly specializing as you become better and better.[/quote]

You’re right. I will probably eventually have to pick one or the other. I do compete in plifting right now, and not oly lifting. I would think I’m ok because I’m just doing the competition lifts.

I’m not doing high pulls, front squats, and other assesory lifts for the c&J and snatch. I use the snatch to warm up for squats, and I think the clean has positive carryover to my deadlift. All my numbers are going up again. So for now I think I’ll leave it as is.

[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
1Geech wrote:
zephead4747 wrote:
1Geech wrote:

Zep, it just seems to me that with flat bench and military press you have your chest and shoulders adequately covered. Given your DL interest, by contrast, how is your direct ab work? Good for you with the oly lifts. I don’t know that more and different squat work on Monday is the carryover you are looking for. The program change you describe looks ok for a cycle. I would do the good mornings without fail, and not haphazardly.

I’ll ditch them for now then. I don’t do direct ab work, it leaves my abs too sore to do my next session well. Also we have prong things for curl bar attachments on our cable machines, so I can’t do standing cable abs.[/quote]

You could still use them as your bench variation / assistance work on Friday, if for some reason you are not getting satisfactory results with whatever you are using in that regard (close-grips?). To return to the main DL point, I do not follow why direct ab work should significantly impinge on your next sessions (surely, in any event, less of an argument for Friday - Monday). Maybe your abs are plenty strong through your other work: But on the other hand, is this an indication that in fact they could benefit from more work? If so, there are alternatives to the cable abs (weighted incline sit-ups, hanging leg raises …) made impossible due to Mr. Curl.

[quote]1Geech wrote:

You could still use them as your bench variation / assistance work on Friday, if for some reason you are not getting satisfactory results with whatever you are using in that regard (close-grips?). To return to the main DL point, I do not follow why direct ab work should significantly impinge on your next sessions (surely, in any event, less of an argument for Friday - Monday). Maybe your abs are plenty strong through your other work: But on the other hand, is this an indication that in fact they could benefit from more work? If so, there are alternatives to the cable abs (weighted incline sit-ups, hanging leg raises …) made impossible due to Mr. Curl.[/quote]

Fair enough. I’ve always gotten very bad DOMS in my abs, regaurdless of how I train them. Not to mention I’m on a tight scheduele. I’ll try to squeeze them in at least once a week. Probably on thursdays That’s the day I’ll probably have spare time at the end of my session. I guess I’ll have to gut it out the first coupl of sessions and deal with the DOMS on friday. I’ll probably be doing floor presses as my friday bench variation for the next two weeks.

Ive trained deads once a week for awhile. recently i switched to a westside style and have made good progress but i think its more that I changed things up vice just the westside program. Training deads once a week using the repetition method is how i busted 500lbs for the first time. plus it adds some sick muscle mass to your frame.