Welcome to my world of Grappling, Strength, Speed & Power
I’ve been on the site for a decade, reading & assimilating knowledge through articles, and I used to log here as well. But as I can’t remember my previous account details I signed up and made a new profile. Nothing’s changed though, still doing the same shit trying to accomplish the same goal - Getting as strong and explosive as humanly possible without adding weight.
Quick reference:
Currently at 77 kg’s
Strength & conditioning 3-5 times a week
Grappling 20+ hours a week
Head coach at two fightgyms
Strength goals for 2016: 3RM
Zercher squat: 100+
Pull ups: 50+
R-squat 200+
Dips: 75+
Power rows: 120+
Deadlift: 200+
C2: 1000W+
Glute bridge: 250+
Program Breakdown:
Primary work is dedicated to explosive power through the use of contrast training, with the exception of vertical press, which consists of mostly stabilization work and no explosive movements. I’m using a pull, push, quad dominant, posterior chain, core, additional explosive movements & vertical press set up with a 2:1 work ratio for pull, qd, pc & core and a 3:1 & 3:2 work ratio for cleans.
Every category has at least three sub-category’s that consists of at least three different exercises and most exercises have more than one set up.
The program has 12 waves for explosive work, 12 waves for repeated work and finishes off with a round of isometrics. The first three waves of each method consists of 3 reps whereas the next three consists of 5. The remaining 6 waves are almost identical to the previous waves but the order of the contrast is reversed.
The difference between explosive and repeated method is the use of the stretch reflex with the latter, and as such explosive work has small rest periods between each repetition to let the elastic energy dissipate before the next explosion is initiated.
Secondary work is dedicated to bulletproofing, grip & movement specific exercises.
Primary work is very much cut in stone and both exercise selection, set, reps & progression is already done, whereas secondary work isn’t. As such secondary work is built on how my body feels. This doesn’t mean that secondary work is less important, on the contrary.
I’ll be using this first log entry to upload various videos