Pull Ups & Isometrics

Welcome to my world of Grappling, Strength, Speed & Power

I’ve been on the site for a decade, reading & assimilating knowledge through articles, and I used to log here as well. But as I can’t remember my previous account details I signed up and made a new profile. Nothing’s changed though, still doing the same shit trying to accomplish the same goal - Getting as strong and explosive as humanly possible without adding weight.

Quick reference:
Currently at 77 kg’s
Strength & conditioning 3-5 times a week
Grappling 20+ hours a week
Head coach at two fightgyms

Strength goals for 2016: 3RM
Zercher squat: 100+
Pull ups: 50+
R-squat 200+
Dips: 75+
Power rows: 120+
Deadlift: 200+
C2: 1000W+
Glute bridge: 250+

Program Breakdown:
Primary work is dedicated to explosive power through the use of contrast training, with the exception of vertical press, which consists of mostly stabilization work and no explosive movements. I’m using a pull, push, quad dominant, posterior chain, core, additional explosive movements & vertical press set up with a 2:1 work ratio for pull, qd, pc & core and a 3:1 & 3:2 work ratio for cleans.
Every category has at least three sub-category’s that consists of at least three different exercises and most exercises have more than one set up.
The program has 12 waves for explosive work, 12 waves for repeated work and finishes off with a round of isometrics. The first three waves of each method consists of 3 reps whereas the next three consists of 5. The remaining 6 waves are almost identical to the previous waves but the order of the contrast is reversed.
The difference between explosive and repeated method is the use of the stretch reflex with the latter, and as such explosive work has small rest periods between each repetition to let the elastic energy dissipate before the next explosion is initiated.

Secondary work is dedicated to bulletproofing, grip & movement specific exercises.

Primary work is very much cut in stone and both exercise selection, set, reps & progression is already done, whereas secondary work isn’t. As such secondary work is built on how my body feels. This doesn’t mean that secondary work is less important, on the contrary.

I’ll be using this first log entry to upload various videos

Elevated Stick Grip Deadlift - Submission Wrestling - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Grappling - YouTube

Tornado Ball Rotations - Submission Wrestling - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Grappling - YouTube


**Wave 1:**1/4

Primary: Pull 1 - Quad Dominant 1 - Additional Explosive Exercise 1
[Medball slams & Pull ups] - [Box Squat jumps & Leg press] - [Kneeling box Jump cleans]
Method: Explosive 3 reps

Grip & Movement Specific Exercise[MSE]

Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Overhead medball slams 10x3
10x3kg mb

A2: Standing stick grip pull ups 10x3, 90s rest
1:5 - 2:8.75 - 3:10 - 4:12.5 - 5:15 - 6:17.5 - 7:20 - 8:25 - 9:30 - 10:35

B1: Low box squat jumps 5x3

B2: Leg press 5x3, 90s rest
1:120 - 2:125 - 3:130 - 4:135 - 5:140

C: Kneeling high box jump cleans 5x3, 90s rest
1:42.5 - 2:45 - 3:47.5 - 4:50 - 5:45

Grip Work:
Weighted Stick grip hangs 5 x random times, 90-120s rest
1:50kgx10s - 2:55kgx10s - 3:60kgx10s - 4:25kgx25s - 5:25kgx25s

Turkish get up
1 get up with 12kg followed by 1 get up with 16kg on EA
5 rounds: 5x12 + 5x16 EA


**Wave 1:**2/4

**Primary:**Posterior Chain 1 - Core Rotation 1 - Additional Explosive Exercise 2
[Band Bridge & Deadlift] - [FCRT & T-Ball] - [Kneeling box Jump cleans]
Method: Explosive 3 reps

Bulletproofing & Grip

Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Explosive band resisted glute bridge 10x3
1-5:½ Medium thick green band - 6-10:1 Medium thick green band

A2: Elevated stick grip deadlift 10x3, 90s rest
1:80 - 2:85 - 3:82.5 - 4:87.5 - 5:90 - 6:95 - 7:100 - 8:105 - 9:110 - 10:120

B: Kneeling Medium block jump cleans 5x3, 90s rest

C1: Full contact russian twist w/ foot & leg rotation 5x3/6
1:10 - 2:12.5 - 3:15 - 4:17.5 - 5:20

C2: Tornado ball rotations 5x3/6

Standing neck extensions 5 reps for max rounds with 30s rest between rounds
15 rounds x 16kg

  • ZZZzzzz stopped due to boredom

Grip Work:
Band resisted alligator smash 5x20s & 5x10s, 60s rest
1-5:2x5kg plates x 20s on 1,2,3,4 & 5 mark on the band - 6-10:10&5kg plate x 10s on 1,2,3,4,5 mark on the band band


**Wave 1:**3/4

**Primary:**Pull 1 - Quad Dominant 1 - Vertical Press 1 - Additional Exercise 3
[Medball slams & Pull ups] - [Squat jumps & Leg press] - [Overhead Walk] - [Kneeling Jump cleans]
Method:Explosive 3 reps

Bulletproofing & Grip

Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Overhead medball slams 10x3
1:3kg - 2:3kg - 3:3kg - 4:3kg - 5:3kg - 6:3kg - 7:2kg - 8:2kg - 9:2kg - 10:2kg

A2: Standing stick grip pull ups 10x3, 90-120s rest
1:6.25 - 2:10 - 3:12.5 - 4:15 - 5:17.5 - 6:20 - 7:26.25 - 8:31.25 - 9:35 - 10:40kg
Failed the third rep on the last set.

B1: Medium box Squat jumps 5x3

B2: Leg press 5x3, 90s rest
1:125 - 2:130 - 3:135 - 4:140 - 5:145

C: Kneeling Low box jump cleans 5x3, 90s rest
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:50 - 5:55

D: Overhead unilateral Kb walk 10x100 Steps, 60s rest
1:16kg - 2:16kg - 3:16kg - 4:16kg - 5:16kg - 6:20kg - 7:20kg - 8:20kg - 9:20kg - 10:20kg

Standing lateral neck flexion 10 reps for max rounds with 30s rest between rounds
5 rounds x 5kg
ZZZzzz Stopped due to boredom

Grip Work:
Captain of crush 5 reps for max rounds with 30s rest between rounds
10 Rounds x Trainer EA


Wave 1:4/4

Primary: Posterior Chain 1 - Core Rotation - Additional Explosive Exercise 1 - Press 1
[Band Bridge & Deadlift] - [FCRT & T-Ball] - [Kneeling box Jump cleans] - [Unilateral medball throws & floor press]
Method: Explosive 3 reps

Bulletproofing & Grip

Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Explosive band resisted glute bridge 10x3
1:½ - 2:½ - 3:½ - 4:1 - 5:1 - 6:½ - 7:1 - 8:1 - 9:½ - 10:½/1/½

A2: Elevated stick grip deadlift 10x3, 90-120s rest
1:85 - 2:90 - 3:95 - 4:100 - 5:105 - 6:110 - 7:115 - 8:120 - 9:125 - 10:130

B1: Full contact russian twist w/ foot & leg rotation 5x3/6 [Bent arms]
1:12.5 - 2:15 - 3:17.5 - 4:20 - 5:22.5

B2: Tornado ball rotations 5x3/6, 90s rest

C1: Unilateral rotational medball throws 5x3
1:2kg - 2:2kg - 3:2kg - 4:2kg - 5:2kg

C2: unilateral kb floor press 5x3, 90s rest
1:20kg - 2:24kg - 3:24kg - 4:24kg - 5:24kg

D: Kneeling high box jump cleans 5x3, 90s rest
1:40 - 2:42.5 - 3:45 - 4:47.5 - 5:50

Standing neck extensions 5 reps for max rounds with 30s rest between rounds
16 rounds x 16kg

Grip Work:
Fat stick grip hang for time 3xmax time, 90s rest
1:BW x 26s - 2:BW x 19s - 3:BW x 16s

  • First log updated with video of today’s dead’s & T-Ball rotations

That stick grip deadlift looks pretty tough. I might try that with an old gi, getting the bar wrapped in the armpit of the gi and pinching the sleeve and body of the gi together.

They are pretty tough but good for building nogi grip strength
on a side note they also have the added benefit of keeping your humurus in a neutral position which leads to better scapula control and movement.

You could just as easily use a couple of towels instead of a gi.

Have you used towels before? I’d think they would rip. Also, where do you get the sticks you’re using? Google is really failing me on this


**Wave 2:**1/4

Primary: Pull 1 - Quad Dominant 1 - Cleans 2
[Medball slams & Pull ups] - [Jump Squats & Leg press] - [Kneeling box jump cleans]
Method: Explosive 5 reps

Bulletproofing & Grip

Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Overhead medball slams 10x5
10x3kg mb

A2: Standing stick grip pull ups 10x5, 90-120s rest
1:5 - 2:7.5 - 3:10 - 4:12.5 - 5:15 - 6:17.5 - 7:20 - 8:22.5 - 9:bw - 10:25kg

B1: Medium box squat jump 5x5

B2: Leg press 5x5, 90s rest
1:115 - 2:120 - 3:125 - 4:130 - 5:135

C: Kneeling medium box jump cleans 5x3, 90s rest
1:40 - 2:42.5 - 3:45 - 4:47.5 - 5:50

  • Forgot it was 5x5

Standing neck extensions 3 reps for max rounds with 30s rest between rounds
15 rounds x 17.25kg

Grip Work:
Band resisted alligator smash 5x20s & 4x10s & 1x5s, 60s rest
1:2x5kg plates x 20s on the 2 mark on the band
2:2x5kg plates x 20s on the 3 mark on the band
3:2x5kg plates x 20s on the 4 mark on the band
4:2x5kg plates x 20s on the 5 mark on the band
5:2x5kg plates x 20s on the 6 mark on the band
6:5+10kg plate x10s on the 2 mark on the band
7:5+10kg plate x10s on the 3 mark on the band
8:5+10kg plate x10s on the 4 mark on the band
9:5+10kg plate x10s on the 5 mark on the band
10:2x10kg plates x5s on the 1 mark on the band
EA ofc.

  • Facepalm Death:

Yeah I’ve used towels on many occasions without any incidents. You do have to change the towels now and then if you have a pair designated for training though, as they will begin to tear at some point.
I put a video in the first log doing some towels dl’s

I’d recommend towels over a GI any day! Towels, fat grips, sticks, baseballs or gi grips all have the same purpose; Putting a sport specific element into the exercise, in this case to getting a stronger grip. So while were at it, we might as well make it hard as possible for the grip, as the total weight we’ll be able to pull will be sub par to a regular deadlift and as a result will the stress on the back.

Towels are harder to hold on to than a gi due to the rugged material kimono’s are made of.
I’d also point out that it’s much easier to carry a couple of towels than a pair of gi’s.

  • I’ve worked a lot of different variations and the hardest was the stick grips with a pair of slippery gloves. Sucked so much.

I’m not surprised that google can’t find any information on the stick’s as they are homemade. Easy to make though…


**Wave 2:**2/4

Primary: Posterior Chain 1 - Core Rotation 1 - Cleans 3 -
[Band Bridge & Deadlift] - [FCRT & T-Ball] - [Kneeling box Jump cleans]
Method: Explosive 5 reps


Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Band resisted explosive glute bridge 10x5
1:½ - 2:½ - 3:½ - 4:½ - 5:1 - 6:1 - 7:½ - 8:1 - 9:½ - 10:bw

A2: Elevated stick grip deadlift 10x5, 90s rest
1:90 - 2:90 - 3:90 - 4:95 - 5:100 - 6:105 - 7:105 - 8:110 - 9:100 - 10:100

B1: Full contact russian twist w/foot & leg rotation 5x5/10
1:15 - 2:17.5 - 3:20 - 4:20 - 5:10

B2: T-Ball rotations 5x5/10

C1: Kneeling high jump to squat jump 5x5

C2: Kneeling low bow jump cleans 5x5, 90s rest
1:40 - 2:40 - 3:40 - 4:40 - 5:50

  • 5th set was pure fail due to fatigue

Turkish get up
1x12kg - 1x16kg - 1x20kg


Wave 2:3/4

Primary: Pull 1 - Clean 4 - Vertical Press 1
[Medball slams & Pull ups] - [Kneeling cleans] - [Overhead Walk]
Method: Explosive 5 reps

Bulletproofing & Grip

Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Overhead medball 10x5
1:3kg - 2:2kg - 3:4kg - 4:4kg - 5:4kg - 6:4kg - 7:4kg - 8:4kg - 9:4kg - 10:4kg

A2: Standing stick grip pull ups 10x5, 90-120s rest
1:6.25 - 2:8.75 - 3:11.25 - 4:13.75 - 5:16.25 - 6:18.75 - 7:21.25 - 8:22.5 - 9:bw - 10:25

B: Overhead unilateral Kb walk 10x100 Steps, 60s rest
1:16kg - 2:16kg - 3:16kg - 4:16kg - 5:20kg - 6:20kg - 7:20kg - 8:20kg - 9:12kg - 10:12kg

C1: Kneeling long jump to squat jump 5x5

C2: Kneeling extra high box jump cleans 5x5, 90s rest
1:40 - 2:40 - 3:42.5 - 4:45 - 5:45

Cable neck squat & cable neck extension combination 5 reps of each for as many rounds as possible with 30s rest between sets
15kg x 6 rounds

Grip Work:
Pronated fat bar hang for time, 30s rest
10x25s x bw
5x25s x 5kg

  • Skipped Quad dominant work.


Wave 2:4/4

Primary: Posterior Chain 1 - Core Rotation 1- Cleans 5 - Press 1
[Band Bridge & Deadlift] - [FCRT & T-Ball] - [Kneeling box Jump cleans] - [Unilateral medball throws & floor press]
Method: Explosive 5 reps


Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Explosive band resisted glute bridge 10x5
1:½ - 2:½ - 3:½ - 4:½ - 5:1 - 6:1 - 7:½ - 8:½ - 9:1 - 10:Bw

A2: Elevated stick grip deadlift 10x5, 90-120s rest
1:90 - 2:92.5 - 3:95 - 4:100 - 5:105 - 6:110 - 7:115 - 8:120 - 9:125 - 10:115

B1: Full contact russian twist w/ foot & leg rotation 5x5/10 [Straight Arms]
1:12.5 - 2:15 - 3:17.5 - 4:20 - 5:20

B2: Tornado ball rotations 5x5/10, 90s rest

C1: Unilateral rotational medball throws 3x5
1:4kg - 2:2kg - 3:4kg

C2: unilateral kb floor press 3x5, 90s rest
1:24kg - 2:24kg - 3:24kg

D1: Kneeling long jump to squat jump 5x5

D2: Kneeling higher box jump cleans [low + medium boxes] 5x5, 90s rest
1:40 - 2:42.5 - 3:45 - 4:47.5 - 5:50

Standing neck extensions 5 & 3 rep combi for max rounds with 30s rest between rounds
16kg x 5 reps & 17.5kg x 3 reps
10 rounds


Wave 3:1/4

Primary: Pull 1 - Quad Dominant 1 - Cleans
Medball slams & Pull ups] - [squat Jumps & Leg press] - [cleans]
Method: Repeated 3 reps

Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Overhead medball slams 10x3
10x4kg mb

A2: Standing stick grip pull ups 10x3, 90s rest, mobility work: Iron cross x10
1:Bw - 2:2.5 - 3:5 - 4:7.5 - 5:10 - 6:12.5 - 7:15 - 8:17.5 - 9:20 - 10:25

  • Easy

B: High block cleans 5x3, 90s rest, mobility work: Side lying thoracic twist x10
1:45 - 2:47.5 - 3:50 - 4:52.5 - 5:55

  • My right leg is acting weird - Fuck you right leg

C1: Medium box squat jump to floor squat jump 5x3

C2: Leg press 5x3, 90s rest, mobility work: Hip circles x 10
1:110 - 2:115 - 3:120 - 4:125 - 5:130

  • Easy

Standing neck extensions 3 reps for max rounds with 30s rest between rounds
20kg x 15 rounds

  • Easy

Wrestler neck bridge on bosu ball 3xmax time, 90s rest, mobility work: Side lying yoga twist x 10
1:45s - 2:45s - 3:1:02s

Grip Work:
Band resisted alligator smash, 60s rest
1: 15+5kg plate on the 1 mark on the band x 10 & 8s [right & left arm accordingly]
2: 15+5kg plate on the 1 mark on the band x 10 & 9.5s
3: 15+5kg plate on the 1 mark on the band x 10s
4: 15+5kg plate on the 2 mark on the band x 10s
5: 15+5kg plate on the 3 mark on the band x 5s & 4s

  • Used a thin red band


**Wave 3:**2/4

Primary: Posterior chain 1 - Core rotation 1 - Clean 6
[Band Bridge & Deadlift] - [FCRT & T-Ball] - [High & medium block Cleans]
Method: Repeated 3 reps

Bulletproofing, Grip & MSE

Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Explosive band resisted glute bridge 10x3
1:½ - 2:½ - 3:½ - 4:½ - 5:½ - 6:½ - 7:½ - 8:½ - 9:½ - 10:bw

A2: Floor deadlift 10x3, 90s rest, mobility: Iron cross x 10
1:100 - 2:100 - 3:105 - 4:105 - 5:110 - 6:110 - 7:115 - 8:100 - 9:100 - 10:100

B1: Full contact russian twist 5x3/6
1:10 - 2:10 - 3:12.5 - 4:15 - 5:15

B2: Tornado ball 5x10s, 90s rest, mobility: Standing hip circles x 10

C: High block cleans 5x3, 90s rest, mobility work: Side lying thoracic twist x10
1:40 - 2:42.5 - 3:45 - 4:47.5 - 5:47.5

Standing neck extensions 6 reps for max rounds with 30s rest between rounds
16kg x 15 rounds

Grip Work:
Captain of Crush trainer 5 reps between all sets & exercises. A1-A2 & MSE excluded
125 reps EA

Turkish get up
5x12kg slow and controlled - EA
5x12kg fast - EA


Wave 3:3/4

Primary: Pull 1 - Clean 1 - Vertical Press 1
[Medball slams & Pull ups] - [Kneeling cleans] - [Overhead Walk]
Method: Repeated 3 reps

Bulletproofing, Grip & MSE

Explosive Contrast Work:
A1: Overhead medball 10x3
10x4kg mb

A2: Standing stick grip pull ups 10x3, 90-120s rest, mobility:obliques stretch x 10s
1:2.5 - 2:5 - 3:7.5 - 4:10 - 5:12.5 - 6:15 - 7:17.5 - 8:20 - 9:25 - 10:30 - 11:35

  • Can’t count. 1 set to many

B: Overhead unilateral Kb walk 6x100 Steps, 60-120s rest, mobility: wrist & forearm stretch x 10 stk
1:12kg - 2:12kg - 3:12kg - 4:12kg - 5:12kg - 6:12kg

C1: Kneeling long jump to squat jump 5x5

  • still can’t count. 2 reps to many…

C2: Kneeling low box cleans 5x5, 90s rest, mobility: hip circles x 10
1:40 - 2:40 - 3:40 - 4:40 - 5:45

  • still can’t count. 2 reps to many…

Neck extension 4 reps for as many rounds as possible with 30s rest between sets
20kg x 12 rounds

Grip Work:
Band resisted alligator smash 7x10s, 60-90s rest
1:10+5 kg plate x 1 mark
2:10+5 kg plate x 2 mark
3:10+5 kg plate x 3 mark
4:10+5 kg plate x 4 mark
5:10+5 kg plate x 5 mark
6:10+5 kg plate x 6 mark
7:2x10kg plaes x 1 mark

Turkish get up
12kg x 13
16kg x 2

skipped Quad dominant - wrestling practice in a few hours.

  • Going to restructure things a bit

Made some changes to the program:

[1] Pull & Cleans
[2] Push & Core
[3] VP & PC
[4] Quad dominant & Cleans

Bulletproofing, Grip, MSE & Balance

Wave 1: 5x3+F Power → Speed Explosive
Wave 2: 5x3+F Power → Speed Repeated
Wave 3: 5x5 Power → Speed Explosive
Wave 4: 5x5 Power → speed Repeated
Wave 5: 5x3+F Speed → Power Explosive
Wave 6: 5x3+F Speed → Power Repeated
Wave 7: 5x5 Speed → Power Explosive
Wave 8: 5x5 Speed → Power Repeated
Wave 9: 5x3+F Power → Speed Cued
Wave 10: 5x5 Power → Speed Cued
Wave 11: 5x3+F Speed – > Power Cued
Wave 12 5x5 Speed → Power Cued
F=feeder set

Redo Day 1:

Wave 1:

Primary work:
Pull & Cleans

Secondary work:
Bulletproofing, Grip, MSE & Balance

Explosive work:
A: High block cleans 5x3, 90-120s rest, mobility work: Iron cross x 10
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:50 - 5:50

  • Focus on posture, not power.

B1: Power rows 5x3+F, 30s rest
1:86 - 2:86 - 3:86 - 4:86 - 5:86 - F:50kgx25

B2: Speed rows 5x3, 90-120s rest, mobility work: Side lying thoracic twist x 10
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:50 - 5:50

Neck extension 5 reps for as many rounds as possible with 30s rest between sets
20kg x 10 rounds

Balance training:
front to back single leg balance 3x10x5s hold, 90s rest
Note: Reset between front & back position

  • ankle kramp, ankle kramp, ankle kramp.

Turkish get up, mobility work: Hip circles x 10
1:8kgx1 - 2:12kgx1 - 3:16kgx1

Grip Work:
Captain of crush trainer 1-3-5 & 7 reps between most sets & exercises
Total: 77 reps

Wave 1:

Primary work:
Push & Core stabilization

Secondary work:
Bulletproofing, Grip & MSE

Explosive work:
A1:Dips 5x3+F, 30s rest
1:10 - 2:11.25 - 3:12.5 - 4:13.75 - 5:15 - F:12

A2:Decline medball throws 5x3, 120s rest, mobility: Iron cross x 10
1:2kg - 2:2kg - 3:2kg - 4:2kg - 5:2kg

B:Front elbow plank 5x60s, 60-90s rest, mobility: side lying thoracic twist x 10

Neck extension 3 reps for as many rounds as possible with 30s rest between sets
21.25kg x 15 rounds

Forwards xiao ping 3x10-12, 60-90s rest, mobility: Hip circles x 10
1:3kgx12 - 2:3kgx12 - 3:3kgx12

Grip Work:
Fat stick grip hang 10x10s, 60s rest, mobility: lying neck stretch x 30s
1:bw - 2:bw - 3:bw - 4:bw - 5:bw - 6:bw - 7:bw - 8:bw - 9:bw - 10:2.5kg

Turkish get up
10 x 8kg EA
10 x 12kg EA

Wave 1:

Primary work:
PC & Cleans

Bulletproofing, Balance & MSE

Explosive work:
A1: Floor deadlift 5x3+F, 30s rest
1:100 - 2:100 - 3:100 - 4:100 - 5:100 - F:80x1 every 10s x 5min
Feeder set is done explosively as well

A2: Explosive glute bridge 5x3, 120s rest, mobility: Iron cross x 10
1:bw - 2:bw - 3:bw - 4:bw - 5:bw

B: Medium block cleans 5x3, 120s rest, mobility: weighted side lying thoracic twist x 10
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:50 - 5:50

Neck extension 6 reps for as many rounds as possible with 30s rest between sets
20kg x 6 rounds

Bosu squats 3x10, 90-120s rest, mobility: Weighted squat stretch x 30s x 30kg
1:bw - 2:bw - 3:bw

MSE & Balance:
Turkish get up to single leg front balance 10x8kg x 5s balance
Turkish get up to single leg front balance 10x12kg x 5s balance

Wave 1:

Pull & Cleans

Bulletproofing & Grip

Explosive Work:
A1: Baseball grip pull ups 5x3+F, 30s rest
1:5 - 2:10 - 3:15 - 4:20 - 5:25 - F:bw x 1 every 10s x 5min
Feeder set is done explosively as well

A2: Overhead medball slams 5x3, 120s rest, mobility: Glute stretch x 30s
1:4kg - 2:4kg - 3:4kg - 4:4kg - 5:4kg

B: High block cleans 5x3, 90-120s rest, mobility: Side lying thoracic twist x 10
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:50 - 5:52.5

Neck extension 10 reps for as many rounds as possible with 30s rest between sets
12kg x 10 rounds

Isometric trapbar holds 5x20s
1:20 - 2:20 - 3:20 - 4:20 - 5:20

Grip Work:
Captain of crush 5 alternating reps between all sets of most exercises
Trainer x 15 x 5

[b]Wave 1:

PC & Cleans

Bulletproofing, Balance & Grip

Explosive Work:
A1: Kneeling squat 5x3, 30s rest
1:120 - 2:120 - 3:120 - 4:120 - 5:120

A2: Kneeling block jump 5x3, 120s rest, mobility: Iron cross x 10
1:Low block - 2:LB - 3:LB - 4:LB - 5:LB

B: Medium block cleans 5x3+F, 90s rest, mobility: Side lying thoracic twist x 10
1:50 - 2:50 - 3:50 - 4:50 - 5:52.5

Neck extension alternating between 6 & 8 reps for as many rounds as possible with 30s rest between sets
15 rounds x 16kg

Isometric trapbar holds 5x20s, 60s rest, mobility: neck stretch x 20s
1:20 - 2:22.5 - 3:25 - 4:20 - 5:22.5

Reverse Bosu ball squat 3x10-12, 90s rest, mobility: Glute & hamstring stretch x 30s
1:10 - 2:10 - 3:10

  • This constitutes as balance as well.

Grip Work:
Plate flip 5 reps every 10s for 60s, 60s rest
1:15kg - 2:15kg