Pull Ups & Chin Ups...

Hey Peeps…

I’ve been doing pulls and chins for a few months now and definetly seen some strength improvements.

I know there’s an article out there on t-nation, but any recommendations on how to get my strength up more so I can rep out a few more pulls, maybe even add weight???



Get a dip belt adn add weight.
Grab a lat puldown or row machine and do some drop sets.
Hold for a few seconds in the up and down position of each rep.

grease the groove

You may be thinking of this article posted on 4-14-00 :
Back to Basics
No more geek back training
by Charles Poliquin

Suggestions from this article have really helped our family. Have fun!

Oh no, not another pull-up/chin-up thread, and someone has already suggested greasing the groove.

Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

For the sake of the nation I feel obligated to suggest that you search for the thread “ZEB on Chin-Ups.”

You can all thank me later.

Read ZEB’s stuff. He seems to be the main-man for chins and pullups. I did a search on his ID and there was plenty of advice out there on chins.

What I do is add weight using my dip belt as mentioned earlier &/or do pyramids (start with one rep, then rest a few seconds, do two reps, rest, three, etc. up to the number I plan). Grease-the-Groove has also helped as have very slow negatives on the last one or two reps of a set with weight.


I always feel that taking a nice 5 lbs dump helps me get my chinup reps up.

hey this is to anyone is it better to do a full exstention with your arms when doing a pull up or leave it half and half
just want to know what you all think is better ???

[quote]playmaker54 wrote:
hey this is to anyone is it better to do a full exstention with your arms when doing a pull up or leave it half and half
just want to know what you all think is better ???[/quote]

I generally go all the way down, just don’t let my shoulders roll out. That’s the key.

Keep them in.

cool cool thanxs for the advice i agree with that i was just seeing what everyone was thinking.