Ok is there any way besides surgery to reduce the puffy nipple appearance? Cold seems to work well… but its summer in my country now! Thanks…
Get your nipples pierced!
LOL Nate – ermm… perhaps I should consider that!
Hey, it works for me! And now I get compliments from the ladies who totally love them! Not a bad deal! But I’ll tell you no lie. I’m sore as hell. But they are healing nicely.
jagin - if you have a hard nub underneath the nipple then it could be the beginnings of gyno, but if not then it’s prolly just a tendency you have to store more fat in the lower pec area. if you get your bodyfat % low enough this will burn away. kevo
Nate: sounds interesting… but I’ll hold on that one for a while (enjoy it tho).
Kevo: thanks, I’m planning on reducing my bodyfat anyway (altho I’m not fat… but not ripped either).
ok i do apologize if this seems rude but the post’s title sounds like a really bad porn star’s name