What’s up bro’s. Its day 3 on my v-diet and I decided I’m gunna start keeping a log day to day to give my self one more incentive you keep going when the going gets tough. Like Shugs said, you gotta throw yourself out there and make yourself accountable.
**Training days I take 3 more BCAA’s and 2 scoops of Surge
=1757 calories
TBT 3xweek
NEPA- 1 hour every morning at 5
Day 1
Monday when I began the diet it was fairly easy besides a little dizziness and anxiety from the HOT-ROX/carb withdrawls (someone get me a loaf of bread and a syringe QUICK!)
Day 2
I give today a 10 in comparison to day 1. I think it’s gunna get easier just out of the sheer fact that it’s becoming more routine for me.
Day 3
My training session today was very intense and I had to push through every rep with determination. The loss of calories sure does take every last ounce of strength out of you by the end. I want to push myself harder as far as rest periods, however the stimulants in the HOT-ROX sure are giving my heart a crazy workout, so I’m taking a little longer than 45 seconds between sets just to be safe. I will try to improve in this area for week 2.
Just another mediocre day, I’ll give it a 7. I’m getting anxious about this weekend’s juicy cheat meal I have planned out over at Longhorn. It sure is a real lifesaver, but can also be a deal-breaker. It gives you a little incentive to keep strong, but also will probablt make my willpower weak the following day if I reminesce about how good it was. I can’t complain, you gotta take the good with the bad I guess.
[quote]BillO21 wrote:
What are you planning on having? I didn’t really consider my solid meal a cheat meal. It has been greens and a steak. Not even a big one at that…
The first week is the hardest as far as cravings. So keep it up the 28 days flies by.
I want to have a juicy mouth-watering steak at Longhorn with a delectably delicious house salad and a scrumptious serving of vegetables. A korn song came on the radio the other day and I have been craving corn on the cob ever since but thats over-doing it. I will remove my last two shakes considering the calories will be over 400.
I had a great day today mood wise. I think my body is learning to tolerate the hot-rx and I’m getting a nice li’l mood enhancement from it. I notice myself laughing about silly things, and just am generally upbeat and dancing the rhythm of my own drum and whatnot. I made the mistake of weighing myself everyday and being dispointed by the baby steps of improvement I had made day to day. I stopped doing that because its highly discouraging to not see major improvement on such a major diet. I got to anxious and will not weigh or measure myself more than one a week so I can note some desirable results, not a petty couple lbs. I have been a FB for too long now and nothing will break my will to complete this with flying colors. Its so funny how effortless something to difficult seems when its backed by emotionally inspired action.
Within your weakness, there lies your strength, sleeping.
Don’t you guys agree?
The diet is coming along pretty easy now. No more feeling like an alien for not eating solid food. Infact when I see my classmates munching on shit food I look at them like they’re aliens, and people around me that know i’m on the diet feel uncomfortable around me when they eat now, I love it! However, I have it a major road block…I woke up yesterday with what felt like a cold coming on. That notion was justified today by a scratchy throat and fever. I hate murphy and his stinking law. The one time I don’t need a effing cold is when I get one. This will put a damper on my training and my metabolism, but I will fight my way through it. 18 days left baby(followed by cat call as I ride into a group of villagers with my sword in one hand and my hatchet in the other)
The diet is coming along pretty easy now. No more feeling like an alien for not eating solid food. Infact when I see my classmates munching on shit food I look at them like they’re aliens, and people around me that know i’m on the diet feel uncomfortable around me when they eat now, I love it! However, I have it a major road block…I woke up yesterday with what felt like a cold coming on. That notion was justified today by a scratchy throat and fever. I hate murphy and his stinking law. The one time I don’t need a effing cold is when I get one. This will put a damper on my training and my metabolism, but I will fight my way through it. 18 days left baby(followed by cat call as I ride into a group of villagers with my sword in one hand and my hatchet in the other)[/quote]
I enjoy the “alien” effect as you put it as well. Whenever I started the first time on the diet people would ask what I was drinking why etc all the time and I felt sorta odd because of it. Then when people started gaining weight for winter because they don’t do physical activity anymore and I kept losing weight I started to smile.
The fact that we are doing something right and healthy and they’re slowly killing themselves is oddly amusing haha
I enjoy the “alien” effect as you put it as well. Whenever I started the first time on the diet people would ask what I was drinking why etc all the time and I felt sorta odd because of it. Then when people started gaining weight for winter because they don’t do physical activity anymore and I kept losing weight I started to smile.
The fact that we are doing something right and healthy and they’re slowly killing themselves is oddly amusing haha
Hehe, yeah it’s funny how taking the right approach in life will bring out others’ insecurities.
Still doing well. I’m still frustrated about getting a cold during this diet as I usually had a habit of nurturing myself through sickness with food. But to be optimistic, this gave me one more insight regarding one more way food is used as instant gratification for feeling crumby from a cold. I’ve been finding myself full after the 4th shake of the day, but don’t want to go below 1400 calories.
Life is greater than its ever been for me. I’m almost done with my internship at a hospital for x-ray, I have a job at GNC that I love going to, I train with a passion that is unrivaled by the common man (not T-man), and for once I’m making an enormous change in my body composition. Dieting half measures have never availed me, and this gives me a sense of absolute confidence that I will reach my goals in very short time.
Half the time people set goals out for themselves that aren’t obtainable in that they are a long road to travel. The V-diet breaks down my long term goals into shorter steps with a good pay-off at each rest stop along my journey of 1000 miles.
Today was my last training day for this week. I go TBT 3X/week. So on Fridays I try to push my self past the limit and do a little more volume, and add a few exercises. I’ve generally been doing the following throughout the week:
(Full) Back Squat 10x3
RDL’s 10x3
Chin-ups 10x3
DB Benchpress 10x3
[quote]Nick21 wrote:
Everything seems like it’s going well for you so far, keep up the hard work. Do you have any measurements/pics yet?[/quote]
Thanks, this is what I have up to day 13. Tomorrow I will have my stats for day 14 along with before and after pics. The rebirth of the phoenix is in progress…
Week 1 (stats the day before the V-diet)
Weight=193 lbs.
Chest=41.5 in.
Waist=41 in
Legs= 23L,24R in.
Biceps=15.5 in.
Week 2 (stats on day 7)
Weight=187 lbs.
Chest=41 in.
Waist=39 in.
Legs=24L,25R in.
Biceps=15.5 in.