Does anyone have any recipes for home made protien brownies?
i used to make protein pancakes for snack to bring to school sometimes, i just used some pancake mix with a bunch of egg whites and sliced some thin bannana slices into the pancake when it was cooking. it tasted pretty good cuz of bannana.
I make these apple protein squares that taste pretty good…here’s the recipie…
2 cups plain oatmeal
1-1.5 cups unsweetened apple sauce
2 scoops protein powder
3-4 packacts sweetener
2 egg whites
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespn honey
raisens or nuts optional
Spread into a 8 inch pan and bake at 325F for about 20 mins…not too bad…jenn
Eat about 5 cans of tuna, a quart of milk, and a can of refried beans. In about 45 minutes you’ll have a bowl full of nitrogen rich protein brownies.
Thanks for the recipes guys and gals. Keep it real.