Protein=>Muscle=>>Chubby Cheeks?

Hi all,

I’m trying to gain muscle/strength and am considering protein powder to up my protein intake significantly so I can get the most from my workouts.

I work out four times a week => upper/lower/upper/lower and am a relative beginner.

I’m 173lbs so i figure about 120grams a day (given I’d expect I should quite easily make up the rest in regular diet).

My only hesitation is that I’ve seen two individuals who went on high-protein diets, and whilst they worked out and saw strength gains, they became chubby and appeared to gain a lot of fat. One of them regretted the chubby/strength trade-off, the other didnt. Whilst I don’t know the specifics of their diets, so can’t guess as to where precisely these guys went wrong, I have two questions about buying protein powder:

1)What is the most likely cause of large fat gains on high protein diets? One of the aforementioned individuals suggested it was because his protein powder was not the low-carb variety…
2)What are some of the differences worth noting when choosing between low-carb protein powder and ‘ordinary’ protein powder.

I’d go for the low carb grow formula right here, but shipping is a bit of an issue for me…anyway, any help appreciated.

I think no one answered you because they probably think it’s a stupid question and it kind of is. Protein powder won’t make you fat. Eating too much will make you fat. Eating to much Mega Weight Gain 20,000 will make you fat. A good protein powder won’t have much other that protein in it and I don’t see how you could eat enough of that stuff to get fat. I’m sure your friends got fat from beer and pizza rather than from protein powder. So powder away.

i thought the carbs could have that effect…but if thats not the case then powder away i will

Is it possible your friends were using weight gainers instead of strict protein powders?

I can see going hog wild on weight gainers may make you a little fatter from all the sugar they put in those. Other than that I’d say you’re safe with the protein powder. If anything you’ll probably lose a bit of bodyfat, and gain much more muscle. That’s how I find eating more protein affects my body.

It is possible…I feel assured enough now that I wont turn into a lard ass on this stuff so ill get into it

I’m going for some sustained release stuff - I figure ill start with 2-3 times a day, mid-morning, after workout, and maybe before bed.

I drink 44g before a workout, 44g during, 44 g after… (i work out 2x a day) and that alone fills most of my protein intake for the day. slip another 2-3 shakes or 4-5 substantial meals and you’d be PRIME.

When you gain weight, no matter how you gain it, you gain it all over your body. Your face does get larger, just as your arms get larger.

Does anyone honestly think that they can go from 170lbs. to 200lbs. and not have a larger face?

When you gain weight, no matter how you gain it, you gain it all over your body. Your face does get larger, just as your arms get larger.

Does anyone honestly think that they can go from 170lbs. to 200lbs. and not have a larger face?

Hi, Then ,if I understand well, for those who want to gain lean muscle mass with no fat, it’s preferably to take strict protein powder instead of weight gainers? it’s very important for me to know, because I’m starting a diet with protein but I don’t know wich ones are the best to grow in muscle mass without become totally fat!

Actually your question is pretty good.

You already got good answers by P Logic, Bri and ZEB.

First of all read some of the nutrition articles on this site (try the ones by CT, JB, and LL).

Next learn Chris S’s axiom, “Teenagers and novices on chat forums (and in gyms) must learn to do multiple sets of shut the fuck up, before giving out advice!” You need to realize that 99% of what people tell you about their diet is bs. When they tell you what their diet consists of they tell you what they should be eating, what they wish they were eating, but not what they are really eating. The fat guy who tells you that he follows a strict diet, and the lean guy who tells you he eats whatever he wants are usually not telling you the whole truth.

So I repeat, read some of the nutrition articles on this site, pick one of the diets for yourself, then ask for specific advice regarding the diet of your choice.

You really can’t go wrong by adding Low-Carb Grow!, or a simple whey protein supplement to your diet. IMO most time release supplements are a waste of money.

Hey, Chad P. I thought I’d throw my two cents into the bucket. (grin)

There are 3 major areas that need to be addressed if you’d like to put on some more LBM (Lean Body Mass), but not too much FM (Fat Mass).

  • Diet
  • Resistance Training
  • Cardio

People who are serious about improving their body composition tend to get precise, discipline and focused. If you’re absent-minded about improving your body composition, your results are more than likely going to be indifferent.

  • Cut out the garbage, except for one or two meals a week. We’re talking fast food, fried food, candy bars, Cokes. Replace it with QUALITY food. Remember that you’re building a house of sorts. Build it with quality supplies (food).

  • Eat regularly, a minimum of 6 meals per day, 3 hours apart, and make sure you’re getting in quality protein every meal. Protein powder, as useful and convenient as it is, isn’t any better than chicken breasts, tuna or steak.

  • As has been suggested, read, research and study the years of articles available to you in the archives on how to diet, how to lose BF (Body Fat) or put on muscle. There are articles about the most effective exercises for putting on slabs of muscle; i.e., compound multi-joint exercises like squats, deadlifts.

  • Get PRECISE. Know how many grams of protein you’re eating per day and per meal and how many you really need. Know how many grams of GOOD fat your body requires and make sure you’re getting them. Make sure you’re getting enough carbs to grow and fuel the work that provides the stimulus for growth and optimize PWO (Post Work Out) nutrition. There are tons of articles on each of these and many related subjects, all available by clicking on the Search hyperlink at the top of the page. And to facilitate the PRECISION I recommended, keep a food log and track what and how much you’re eating. It will allow you to slowly increase calories and control the speed with which you gain scale weight.

  • Right off the bat, you’re not getting enough protein to put on LBM. If you’re young and physically active, you need at least 1.5g of protein x TBW. You need to be eating 260g of protein per day, day in and day out.

  • Weigh & measure. Not just your food, but scale weight and body fat and body measurements (calves, quads, waist, chest, arms).

  • Finally? Enjoy the journey! (grin)

Angelus, hopefully my answer to Chad P answers your question, too. Buying a tub of protein doesn’t ensure that you will put on muscle. Some brands of protein powder are of higher quality and some are of lower quality. But at the end of the day, your body sees no difference between the protein you got from chicken or steak, Grow! or eggs. Get your diet dialed in. Read, read, read. There’s a wealth of information here that will help you to achieve your goals, whatever they might be. Over time as you read and learn, you’ll tighten up your diet more and more and start to see the results for which you’re hoping.


Why are time release supplements a waste of money? When I was loking for the right type of protein to get i chose timed release because of what i read on the T-Nation website about casein protein and its sustained release.

i intend to buy some whey, take that post-workout, then take timed relase stuff only in the mornings and evenings