Protein found in my Urine

on a recent trip to my dr. he informed me that there was protein found in my urine. now i remember being told many times before, that its not unusual for someone who has a very high protein intake. anyways, i 'm also a diabetic, and have been for the last 12 years. is this something i should be worried about. cause i do take good care of my blood sugars. anyways, just curious as to what u guys think. thanx.

It shouldn’t be anything to worry about. If you’re truly worried about it, try reducing your protein intake for a week or so and having your doc re-test it.

All in all, rejoice in the fact that it’s better than finding urine in your protein.

Microalbuminuria can be an early sign of diabetic kidney problems. DO NOT IGNORE THIS. Discuss this with a physician who is highly competent in the area of diabetes and diabetic kidney problems (at a minimum a diabetes specialist and perhaps a nephrologist (kidney doc). I dislike drugs, but a class of drugs called ACE inhibitors can be wonderful for diabetics as it can markedly decrease (and perhaps potentially reverse??) the renal problems.

If you are diabetic and your blood pressure is at all elevated, or your blood sugars are not under tight control, it is highly recommended (these both can adversely affect your kidneys).

Although Chris is funny, I have to go with ScottL on this one, dude. Protein in the urine is never a normal finding, and is definitely something for a diabetic to be wary of. I mean, let’s not panic here, but you should DO SOMETHING about a doctor visit. There are many things modern medicine can do about the complications of diabetes. Oh, and good job on keeping the sugars under control. I know how hard it must be, and I’ve seen thousands of folks in my hospital here that don’t do it… and pay for it BIG TIME.

if there are intact proteins in the urine you may have renal failure…

get it checked more thoroughly…

ofcourse its unlikely the dr will let you go without telling you that… he might have said or meant that there is lots of urea which is a biproduct of protein which is not a problem

give your dr a call and ask them exactly what was meant

ohh shit i missed the diabetic part of your post…


High blood glucose levels caused by poor diabetes control is one of the biggest risk factors for renal disease

worst case scenario is you let this go out of control your go into renal failure and need to go into hospital 3 or 4 days a week for 4 hours at a time for dialisis

not necasserily likely but its NOT somehting that you want to happen


i don’t know but if your doctor wasn’t to concerned and he would know you had diabetes ?? i had a few test as well and always came up with protein in my urine and on occasion blood. and the doctors always told me this isn’t uncommon for an athletic male.
anyhow i would certainly ask the doc and search the net before i listened to half these dudes cause they’ll get you scared for nothing. seriously a few thousand readers there’s bound to be a few cry wolf type of dudes. Now im not saying throw there suggestions out and im not saying diabetes is something to overlook, im saying talk to your doctors first study second and cry on a testosterone filled shoulder last!!!

I had missed the diabetic part of your post as well. Ignore what I said.

Of course, make the doctor explain to you your results and health until YOU get tired of talking…not him.

In the mean time, drink your urine so you don’t waste any of that protein.

hey guys, thanx for the response. ive always taken good control of my blood sugars, so thats not really a problem. not the dr. while he didn’t seem overly worried, he did encourage me very much to see an endocronologist. the thing is, he was looking at the results, i never got to see them, he just said, that protein was found in your urine. but, the results that he was going by, were from 2 years ago, cause i took the tests, but never went back for the results. so hes very interested in what my present labs say. my workouts have been going good. he scheduled me for 2 weeks to go over the results, but i really don’t wanna wait, will they fax over the results, i’m not sure. anyways, ive only been a diabetic for 12 years, its hard to beleive that i could get these kinda complications already. like i said, this guy told me, even before i went in to get the tests done, that certain things are always higher in weightlifters, he said the creatinine levels are higher, and they also find protein in urine. or the waste that it leaves behind.

Traps, you always have the right to have a copy of all of your medical records. You can call to have them faxed or go in person and ask to have them copied and given to you.

I had a very eye-opening experience about 12 years ago when I went to my doctor’s office to get copies of my records, at my father’s urging. Their apparent concern for my welfare increased immediately. All of a sudden, the doctor was very “concerned” about my blood test results and was recommending this, that, and the other thing. Before that, it was “Well, this here is a little abnormal but it’s probably nothing to worry about.”

Obviously, I can’t say this would be the case with your doctor, but you do have the right to your records and it’s worth getting them. I am thankful for the expertise of doctors, but no one cares more about my health than I do.

This is not a question for an internet forum. Its a question for the doctor. Why didnt you ask him?

all the dr told me, was that there was protein in my urine, he didn’t specify of how much. and those results were of 2 years ago. now my blood sugar levels have always been under good control. my blood pressure at the drs office was 150/90, but realize, as soon as i get in that office, my heart starts racing, so i know, normally its lower. does doing cardio help with blood pressure, cause right now, i only weightlift. as soon as the results are in, i’m going in to see the nurse practioner and go over it with her.

Hey, there, traps!!! I’m glad to hear that you’re getting on top of your situation and following up.

Cardio in your particular situation would be a very good idea. It increases insulin sensitivity, creates a more extensive capillary network, strengthens the heart. The benefits are numerous. Even if you are successfully managing your diabetes, I can’t think of a more positive, proactive thing that you could do for yourself.