Protein First: Peanut Butter Ice Cream

by Chris Shugart

No-Added-Sugar, Ridiculously High Protein

Hit your daily protein goals with ice cream. No kidding. Just make it the right way. Here's the recipe.

There's only one thing more delicious than peanut butter and that's peanut butter ice cream. But at 640 calories, 57 grams of sugar, and only 12 grams of protein per pint, it's a rare treat. So, make your own. All you need is a Ninja CREAMi (Buy at Amazon).

This version has 64 grams of protein, no added sugar, and fewer calories. Here's Dani to show you how to make it:



  1. Whisk all the ingredients together except the peanuts and the extra tablespoon of milk. This is your "base."
  2. Add the base to the Ninja CREAMi pint. Don't pass the fill line. Freeze this base overnight.
  3. Insert the frozen base into your machine and smash that "lite ice cream" button.
  4. If it looks a little powdery, add the extra tablespoon of milk and use the "re-spin" button.
  5. After it's finished, make a hole all the way to the bottom of the pint and add 1 tablespoon of chopped nuts.
  6. Hit the "mix-in" button, let it do its thing, and enjoy!


Tip: Pick up some extra pints here (Buy at Amazon) so you always have high-protein ice cream ready to go.

Calories & Macros (Whole Pint)

  • Servings 1
  • Calories 480
  • Protein 64g
  • Carbs 32g
  • Fat 9g

Note: For a lower-calorie, reduced-carb version, use unsweetened almond milk.

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We do something similar with Jello Sugar Free Pudding. We do before bed.

1 large Package of Vanilla Pudding
2 scoops Peanut Butter Protein (we use Ryse Peanut Butter, wife tolerates better)
3 cups fat free milk

6 1/2 cup servings.
105 Calories
1 g Fat
13 g Protein
12 g Carb

If you go with whole milk you can get more fat, if you need it to hit your macros…

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Good tip. I went on a pudding mix with protein powder kick a while back. Not quite as delicious as ice cream, but faster and no machine needed.

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Coconut, nice. Didn’t think of that.

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On the pudding front, I legit keep things stupid simple and just take 2 scoops of Metabolic Drive and 1 packet of unflavored gelatin. I use my Keurig to make some hot water and just slowly mix it in to create a warm and chewy treat at night. It’s a bit taffy like: great texture.

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YUMMMY!!! Definitely going to make this.

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Can you make this in a blender? I do not have a Ninja Creami.

Very difficult to get a real ice cream texture without churning. Typically, you get an icy, too-hard ice cream (after freezing) or just a thick protein shake, which is tasty but not ice cream.

But try the “double bag method” our resident chef posted about HERE.

Flattery will get you everywhere.

Make it hard, make some MD cookies, slice it and you’ve got ice cream sandwiches.

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Interesting, I’ll give it a try.

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For tons more Ninja CREAMi recipes, check out our dedicated thread.