I have read numerous articles regarding protein cycling. Example: 6 weeks high protein (1.5xBW) - 3 weeks low protein (30 grams/day). The idea is that your body responds better to protein after the low cycle period. I don’t know if I by it. I prefer carb cycling. What do you guys think?
[quote]Eric Cartman wrote:
I have read numerous articles regarding protein cycling. Example: 6 weeks high protein (1.5xBW) - 3 weeks low protein (30 grams/day). The idea is that your body responds better to protein after the low cycle period. I don’t know if I by it. I prefer carb cycling. What do you guys think?[/quote]
there was an article on this very site several years ago. i tried it on a dare. it’s a bad idea.
when you don’t hear about something very often, there’s usually a reason why.
The body will be way more catabolic on the low protein -more so than any high protein Surge will compensate for (let alone be beneficial).
Not to that degree. I often will eat clean six days a week and have one day where I don’t take my supps and shakes. Its good for both body and mind sometimes to have a day like this but not three weeks
The theory behind this claim is that your body will be forced to produce more GH, IGF-1 and other anabolic hormones to ward off catabolism. I haven’t tried it although I’ve been tempted but just as you said if it were effective everyone would be making gains off it.
That’s kinda funny. We can’t force our body to want to get bigger. If we’re lacking nutrients our body is worried about survival, not superfluous processes.
[We need to figure out who’s logic that was so we can mock their complete lack of knowledge about the human body (and the subsequent application)]
[quote]E-man wrote:
The theory behind this claim is that your body will be forced to produce more GH, IGF-1 and other anabolic hormones to ward off catabolism. [/quote]
I have particular interest in this issue right now because I’ve been writing the protein intake and breakdown section of The Anabolic Index this weekend.
There will be a lot of new info about this topic, and I can’t wait to present it.
[quote]E-man wrote:
The theory behind this claim is that your body will be forced to produce more GH, IGF-1 and other anabolic hormones to ward off catabolism. I haven’t tried it although I’ve been tempted but just as you said if it were effective everyone would be making gains off it.[/quote]
I did it for four weeks. There was a lot of talk about it at the time. I was young, so I tried it out for some older pals - since I could recover from whater bad effects it had. I lost an inch off my arms. There was no “rebound effect.”
Add protein cycling, the ABCDE diet, and the Warior Diet to the list of bad ideas.
I find it hard to get in 200+g protein a day, and most days I dont even reach that mark… Although, I think I’d have a much harder time getting only 30g protein a day for 3 weeks.
[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
E-man wrote:
The theory behind this claim is that your body will be forced to produce more GH, IGF-1 and other anabolic hormones to ward off catabolism. I haven’t tried it although I’ve been tempted but just as you said if it were effective everyone would be making gains off it.
I did it for four weeks. There was a lot of talk about it at the time. I was young, so I tried it out for some older pals - since I could recover from whater bad effects it had. I lost an inch off my arms. There was no “rebound effect.”
Add protein cycling, the ABCDE diet, and the Warior Diet to the list of bad ideas.[/quote]
I tried the ABCDE diet also with poor results. Just ate crap and got fat.
Very good responses that verify my thoughts on the subject. I can’t imagine going low on protein.